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  1. Pablo

    What are you eating right now?

    Seriously too much soy! Soy is an antinutrient. Probably fermentation helps, and a little soy is GOOD, but every meal?
  2. Pablo

    Cordless hand held blower

    Turbo mode pretty amazing But not good for waking the neighbors like a 2 stroke
  3. Pablo

    Cordless hand held blower

    Just get one to match your batteries you already have
  4. Pablo

    Cordless hand held blower

    Greenworks 80V Backpack blower
  5. Pablo

    Gold Bars/Ingots

    Bury a depleted uranium bar or tungsten bar in the wood. Sand and seal it. Voila!! Plutonium and platinum are heavier for the win
  6. Pablo

    New HVAC and dimming lights

    What is the service size to your house? What else is on the the 240V legs or each of the 120V legs at the same time? What is start and run current for new unit?
  7. Pablo

    Gold Bars/Ingots

    What metal? Lead? Copper? Those two and a few others it's possible, but always dangerous. Frankly the way you ask, seems like maybe just a don't do it is best until you really learn how to's possible to make or buy a furnace, but as rank amateur I advise you learn from someone else.
  8. Pablo

    What are you eating right now?

    Or nasty ess pizza above.
  9. Pablo

    Inflation of common items since 2021

    She not looking great........
  10. Pablo

    New tool thread

    It has enough power. But….the design logic is…odd…. Starting Odd sequence - but becomes normal to user after 5-6 times. Blade speed not controlled by lever -Turtle 🐢 Rabbit 🐇 only driven speed NOT blade speed as blade speed is constant Bag cannot hardly go 50% full It cuts pretty strong for...
  11. Pablo

    Anyone use out door surge suppressor for HVAC unit?

    That's just it. You can set the voltage - the pluses and minuses of that need to be considered. It's up to the user. Some of the inverters can be harmed at 255 V or so, some maybe lower, most a bit higher. The fact this protection is not part of the unit kinda irks me. I ran the wiring for two...
  12. Pablo

    Tipping at Fast Food Places

    I feel kinda terrible. I did a wheelchair ride for my dad on Tuesday for his broken femur healing first post op X-ray at ortho surgeon (all was well) The driver, she was excellent. She was a real pro. Everything great. First time I've had serious wheel chair duty. In the hubbub, I forgot to...
  13. Pablo

    Post your latest beer consumption

    I have not a beer in well over a year. I had a Shocktop at my brothers. Not bad. And a "Old Speckled Hen". Delicious!!
  14. Pablo

    What are you doing right now?

    Loosening up for AM pickleball. I made it home in time Thursday to teach my regular pickleball class and it felt good. Some great students!! But today will be bangers........gonna get killled!!
  15. Pablo

    What are you working on today?

    I'm dead hahahahhahaha I came home to the whole wider property not being maintained for 25 days+. Never did that here in the spring before. Never weed whacked the ALL the nasty areas in one day..........mowed, cut vines and branches, used the new 80V emower in some lawn places. Little sore...
  16. Pablo

    Anyone use out door surge suppressor for HVAC unit?

    These "surge" suppressors are good, but no mention of more sophisticated voltage line monitors? There are spikes that can harm the circuitry of some equipment that won't blow a MOV. Some of the line monitors combine both, and you can read the spikes over time. I have no protection now, and am...
  17. Pablo

    Things you grew up eating as a kid - not much seen anymore

    Yes huge cut bell peppers and round steak cut in strips and tougher than work hardened stainless steel! I can even remember the smell. GACK!!!!! OTOH We make salmon patties frequently from left over salmon. Tasty!! Cook on the outdoor griddle
  18. Pablo

    Things you grew up eating as a kid - not much seen anymore

    Hostess Tiger Tails
  19. Pablo

    What are you eating right now?

    Fried cabbage with garlic scapes
  20. Pablo

    What are you eating right now?
