Inflation of common items since 2021

The guy on TV says to ignore all the inflation.

I went from buying a Whopper combo with large fries, large soda and apple pie……. to now only being able to afford a Whopper Jr with small fries and small soda with no apple pie.

Good deal for $5
Did a 3 day weekend with my cousins out in the North fork on Long Island NY. My one cousins boyfriend complaining non stop about inflation that he's broke. I zinged him after he vented . Cuz you pulled up in a Acura, we drank a $100 bottle of bourbon last night. Today we hit the winery then went to Claudio's outdoor bar with a bar bill of $200 a couple. Tonight we grilled porta house steaks from ivarone Italian butcher. Things not that bad for you stop the charades. He zipped it quickly. I remember struggling being broke with a young family trying to establish a small business working non stop. Not fun times
Did a 3 day weekend with my cousins out in the North fork on Long Island NY. My one cousins boyfriend complaining non stop about inflation that he's broke. I zinged him after he vented . Cuz you pulled up in a Acura, we drank a $100 bottle of bourbon last night. Today we hit the winery then went to Claudio's outdoor bar with a bar bill of $200 a couple. Tonight we grilled porta house steaks from ivarone Italian butcher. Things not that bad for you stop the charades. He zipped it quickly.

The guy sounds like a poser….
Did a 3 day weekend with my cousins out in the North fork on Long Island NY. My one cousins boyfriend complaining non stop about inflation that he's broke. I zinged him after he vented . Cuz you pulled up in a Acura, we drank a $100 bottle of bourbon last night. Today we hit the winery then went to Claudio's outdoor bar with a bar bill of $200 a couple. Tonight we grilled porta house steaks from ivarone Italian butcher. Things not that bad for you stop the charades. He zipped it quickly. I remember struggling being broke with a young family trying to establish a small business working non stop. Not fun times
Sounded like a fun inflationary weekend.
We are all fine until the Bubble Bursts. Housing and Banking will likely throw the two biggest darts.
You’re doing well right now but what happens if you and your wife lose your jobs and money gets tight ?

People don’t expect to lose their job and face major financial stress.
Kids asking why the refrigerator is empty…
Kids asking why a tow truck taking away mom’s mini van….

No job is safe. I know a manager with 33 years at a hospital and he was let go due to budget cuts.
They were a top performer every year, all star employee.

Hospital organization laying off 300 employees.

No job is safe…
Did a 3 day weekend with my cousins out in the North fork on Long Island NY. My one cousins boyfriend complaining non stop about inflation that he's broke. I zinged him after he vented . Cuz you pulled up in a Acura, we drank a $100 bottle of bourbon last night. Today we hit the winery then went to Claudio's outdoor bar with a bar bill of $200 a couple. Tonight we grilled porta house steaks from ivarone Italian butcher. Things not that bad for you stop the charades. He zipped it quickly. I remember struggling being broke with a young family trying to establish a small business working non stop. Not fun times
So, so many people don't understand how good they have it. And I'm not talking about this poster's cousin's boyfriend in particular, but really everyone. We all live in wonderful time of modern medicine, communication, and comfort.

If you're healthy that alone is a HUGE thing. Imagine needing a kidney transplant and requiring daily or weekly sessions at a hospital on a machine to keep you alive. Or any other debilitating chronic illness. Even people that don't have much money live vastly better than people did 100 years ago, I know because I'm one of them.

I had throat cancer 14 years ago which led to weeks of radiation therapy, surgery, a feeding tube, etc. Those were tough days I wasn't sure I would make it through. I'm not exaggerating when i say there were times I didn't want to wake up the next day. My wife sacrificed a lot to take care of me 24/7. I had no medical insurance at the time due to some of my poor life decisions and it cost us our life savings. In fact we're still paying off some of the medical bills all these years later. But I have no complaints, I received incredible medical care and am healthy now. I also have a beautiful wife and family (our 3 furry troublemakers) and we live in a nice enough apt, have jobs we don't hate, and spend lot's of off time doing inexpensive day trips. Yes we can't afford to go out and buy new luxury SUVs or a mcmansion, but we have so much, such a good life in my eyes. And yes I do all our food shopping and preparation so I know firsthand the massive price increases of food and household items, but we still eat a healthy diet, still enjoy our meals, still enjoy life.

People that squander their life always pining for something they think will make them happy are imo completely missing what matters in life. These really are the good old days, don't let them pass you by.

TLDR: embrace life, one day you'll wish you had this time back.
So, so many people don't understand how good they have it. And I'm not talking about this poster's cousin's boyfriend in particular, but really everyone. We all live in wonderful time of modern medicine, communication, and comfort.

If you're healthy that alone is a HUGE thing. Imagine needing a kidney transplant and requiring daily or weekly sessions at a hospital on a machine to keep you alive. Or any other debilitating chronic illness. Even people that don't have much money live vastly better than people did 100 years ago, I know because I'm one of them.

I had throat cancer 14 years ago which led to weeks of radiation therapy, surgery, a feeding tube, etc. Those were tough days I wasn't sure I would make it through. I'm not exaggerating when i say there were times I didn't want to wake up the next day. My wife sacrificed a lot to take care of me 24/7. I had no medical insurance at the time due to some of my poor life decisions and it cost us our life savings. In fact we're still paying off some of the medical bills all these years later. But I have no complaints, I received incredible medical care and am healthy now. I also have a beautiful wife and family (our 3 furry troublemakers) and we live in a nice enough apt, have jobs we don't hate, and spend lot's of off time doing inexpensive day trips. Yes we can't afford to go out and buy new luxury SUVs or a mcmansion, but we have so much, such a good life in my eyes. And yes I do all our food shopping and preparation so I know firsthand the massive price increases of food and household items, but we still eat a healthy diet, still enjoy our meals, still enjoy life.

People that squander their life always pining for something they think will make them happy are imo completely missing what matters in life. These really are the good old days, don't let them pass you by.

TLDR: embrace life, one day you'll wish you had this time back.
Good sentiments and a whole lot of truth there. Life is a gift.
Good sentiments and a whole lot of truth there. Life is a gift.
A fragile gift for sure. It was easy to write out everything I wrote above, but you really have to believe it and adjust your attitude accordingly. Do it long enough and you start to understand the truth in it. I wish I'd realized all this when I was 20 but it's never too late to change how you see things and live your life. :)
So, so many people don't understand how good they have it. And I'm not talking about this poster's cousin's boyfriend in particular, but really everyone. We all live in wonderful time of modern medicine, communication, and comfort.

If you're healthy that alone is a HUGE thing. Imagine needing a kidney transplant and requiring daily or weekly sessions at a hospital on a machine to keep you alive. Or any other debilitating chronic illness. Even people that don't have much money live vastly better than people did 100 years ago, I know because I'm one of them.

I had throat cancer 14 years ago which led to weeks of radiation therapy, surgery, a feeding tube, etc. Those were tough days I wasn't sure I would make it through. I'm not exaggerating when i say there were times I didn't want to wake up the next day. My wife sacrificed a lot to take care of me 24/7. I had no medical insurance at the time due to some of my poor life decisions and it cost us our life savings. In fact we're still paying off some of the medical bills all these years later. But I have no complaints, I received incredible medical care and am healthy now. I also have a beautiful wife and family (our 3 furry troublemakers) and we live in a nice enough apt, have jobs we don't hate, and spend lot's of off time doing inexpensive day trips. Yes we can't afford to go out and buy new luxury SUVs or a mcmansion, but we have so much, such a good life in my eyes. And yes I do all our food shopping and preparation so I know firsthand the massive price increases of food and household items, but we still eat a healthy diet, still enjoy our meals, still enjoy life.

People that squander their life always pining for something they think will make them happy are imo completely missing what matters in life. These really are the good old days, don't let them pass you by.

TLDR: embrace life, one day you'll wish you had this time back.
You are right on, we are a country of whiners it seems ever since social media came to be. Always looking for someone else to fix what we dont like. It's dangerous relying on others to make your life right.

People need to move forward, enjoy life and stop expecting others and government to do things for you, do it yourself.
Life has never been more easy in the USA and the health network in this country is the best anyone can get.

The stupidity of some of the complaints. Good god, they live in the best country in the world and some dont even know it.

Glad you pulled through, sincerely, I know the scare of cancer, my wife a survivor for now never a decade can be considered "cured" yet she always wonders if it will return one day, good news is, being aware, it would be caught right away.
Me, being monitored for a sky high PSA, multiple biopsies and still no cancer found. There is a 40% chance I will not have/get it and I am about at the 60% that may.