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  1. Pablo

    Things we see driving around - original content (pictures you snapped)

    This will anger @GON and @vavavroom Me too Yesterday in Fullerton CA driving back from the grocery store in upper middle class dense suburbia I saw a tall egret standing on the sidewalk No picture!!!
  2. Pablo

    *Investors Blog*

    Honestly the general market not great today. Normal. Settling Time will tell with tech- never act like tech up will never stop and it doesn’t- really- just can have some long pauses. Think from the 1960s I can’t predict the future but there is almost always a rally in something
  3. Pablo

    *Investors Blog*

    All time high!! Then I paid off the credit card :love::p:cool:
  4. Pablo

    *Investors Blog*

    Yields down muchly this AM. Which is nice. Let’s see what that numbnurtz group of economic hooligans does officially. I appreciate bond trading market better than the Fed. If you couldn’t tell.
  5. Pablo

    Countertops - Quartz vs Granite

    Gee don’t let your feelings try to influence others Quartz looks better. Period. But that is my opinion. All the rest we have beat to death.
  6. Pablo

    *Investors Blog*

    Now let’s see what Fed does
  7. Pablo

    Inflation of common items since 2021

    Hahahaha dang wow. Good one ☝️
  8. Pablo

    Inflation of common items since 2021

    My daughters are 1000% worth the investment I really want for nothing material But I have to ask does pecan pie with vanilla ice cream count as a material item?
  9. Pablo

    Inflation of common items since 2021

    Seems low
  10. Pablo

    Grammar police, pet peeve.

    Shart and shard
  11. Pablo

    Inflation of common items since 2021

    To a large extent true. And folks with means just say chuck it I’ll buy that with only a modicum of hesitation With kids? I can’t afford that!
  12. Pablo

    Septic tanks treatments

    Lipase and cellulase should work on fats/soaps and TP
  13. Pablo

    Countertops - Quartz vs Granite

    Anyone ready for a laugh? My parents- say no more- in their 90 in California did a complete house rebuild a little while back They chose Formica. Nice home otherwise in an exclusive hill neighborhood It was NOT a cost saving issue SMH!🤦
  14. Pablo

    Coffee - Your Current Brew

    Forced to drink this but is palatable with cream.
  15. Pablo

    Septic tanks treatments

    I’m applauding everyone here for staying away from TMI and letting the topic go in the toilet
  16. Pablo

    George Russell gets his first win in Formula 1

    Like times infinity At least they are making the cars smaller 2026 I think
  17. Pablo

    Septic tanks treatments

    And the pumper$ seem to know that!!
  18. Pablo

    Inflation of common items since 2021

    For now- in your mind! Haha 😂 I have one CD. Sept I think 5 and something percent Keeping me from losing money elsewhere That was a joke son!