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    Cruise control broken on every vehicle I drive?

    My cruise control switch broke so it's always on and I can't turn it off (but it's not always set so it doesn't matter) Other than that I've never had broken cruise control except for once when I forgot to plug the vacuum line for cruise control back in
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    Tactile feel—does it matter to you?

    I don't like the bmw turn stalks because they return to center when you're blinking to one side. I'm used to feeling which direction I'm blinking based on the position of the stalk which doesn't work with BMW They do have excellent feel. I hate mushy buttons/dials
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    Article on diesel pump technology

    It's cheaper, lighter, and can push more fuel than a cp3 pump. Perfect for when you want your brand of truck to be the most powerful and you want to save a buck at the same time I just replaced a cp4.1 with a cp3 on my cousin's Jetta TDI. The roller had one spot that chipped off and then it...
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    Why no tire forums?

    Tacoma world has good info on all terrain tires. Lots of forums have a tire section, so just search the name of the tire you're interested in and put forum at the end to skip most of the paid reviews and tire sales websites Example: bfg ko2 forum review This is how I do my tire research and...
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    Lecture: Supermassive Black Holes

    I thought this was about the song...
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    Car needs to shaken to start it?

    And then there's people who say "starts but doesn't run" Me: what's that supposed to mean? it runs for a second then dies? Them: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ figure it out
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    Neighbor from Hell - this week's events

    This is generally true, however we got approved by the HOA to have a shipping container in our yard as a shed. Shortly after the HOA banned shipping containers, and every few years they tell us we aren't approved to have a shipping container. So we sent them a copy of the approval they wrote...
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    Discontinued: Chevy Malibu

    Low 13s is cool but low 12s-mid 11s is actually fast A Chrysler v6 could run a 13
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    Neighbor from Hell - this week's events

    Did you light it on fire?
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    Lower Thermost Temp

    The vw TDIs will read 190 from 170 to 200. I've never driven one that will go over 210 so I don't know when it starts moving again
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    New Valvoline Oil

    Those darn markers! They've been sneaking around at night and cleaning up oil fill holes!
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    Under the Valve Cover... how's it lookin'?

    I bet the varnish is somewhat caused by the blow by. More blow by=dirty oil, dirty oil=dirty engine
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    Accord totaled, need a 'new' car

    Yep And VWs have solid engines and transmissions as long as you keep up on maintenance and don't ignore funny noises or something like a hard hot start To be fair I don't know a ton about the gasoline VWs but if I had to buy a car right now I would be looking for a vw or bmw wagon with a...
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    Neighbor from Hell - this week's events

    We have similar neighbors. We just stay up late and play games/watch tv. Once every 2 months or more isn't really an issue
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    Valvoline Restore & Protect

    The oil in the filter would come out, but not much more. You won't drain all 4 quarts just by removing the filter
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    Anyone try Red Light Therapy ?

    I've noticed sitting in the warm sun can help with random joint pain and other things Some people just need to go outside more I'm also fairly young so i don't have to worry about this for another 70 years 😉
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    Discontinued: Chevy Malibu

    The first time I heard a v8 e39 with aftermarket exhaust on it, i thought it was a Chevy But then i heard it rev to 7 grand and dissapear. No mostly stock chevy does that
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    Discontinued: Chevy Malibu

    They could build a Chevelle SS Put a massive engine in it and make it faster than the hellcat and i would buy one once they hit the used market
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    Valvoline Restore & Protect

    You're one of the few people who probably should change your oil less LOL
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    Seeking Place to Reliably Restore or Reman Fuel Injectors

    Could you store injectors in a jar of diesel? It will keep them clean and from sticking Some lifters are supposed to be primed with diesel and stored in it until used