Lifetime oil filters

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Jul 12, 2007
West Texas
There are a few oil filters out there that are washable. The ones I have seen have a stainless filter element an an aluminum housing. I searched on the website with no mention .

What is the general thought of these filters ?
I'd say that the majority don't think that they're worth it. My take is that they aren't as fine as cellulose filters and have a very long payback time. By the time they pay for themselves, you may own a car with a different filter ..and you're out the balance of the payback. Then you get into true disposal costs. Although you won't have to throw away a filter, you will be purchasing and eventually disposing of some solvent which, especially in the purchase end of things, may be more expensive.

I'd say that if you're committed to keeping a vehicle, and had bypass filtration (something like MG/Frantz) you can trade the throwing away of the full flow filter for a tp roll and end up on the upper end of the deal.
They are expensive! Performance, payback and convenience are the big concerns with them. Who wants to clean an oil filter when they are doing an oil change?
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