JCASE fuses

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Sep 14, 2015
NE Ohio
My Mountaineer has somehow blown both JCASE fuses for the two 12v power outlets. I suspect my son kicking the power plug for the rear seat DVD is possible cause for the failure of that one and I'm almost positive the front one was shorted by a penny in the socket, also my son

I believe it's a 20A fuse and the last time I replaced one it was a standard length JCASE fuse (carelessness while replacing the front power socket). I see a lot of low profile JCASE fuses available online. Are the standard length and low profile (short) ones interchangeable?
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They appear to be interchangeable.


Low Profile JCASE® Fuse
Low Profile JCASE® Fuse
Data Sheets »

The Low Profile JCASE,® fuse has similar performance characteristics as the standard JCASE@ fuse. The lower overall height reduction allows for more space and weight savings and also allows for a shorter male terminal, blade, saving additional weight and material in fuse box designs. JCASE® fuses are rated at 58 volts DC and have a 1,000 amp interrupting rating,. They are offered in amperages ranging from 20A to 60A and are color coded for ampere rating identification.

Littelfuse offers the Low Profile JCASE® style fuses.
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