Yard Work Has Gone Big Money

Sep 14, 2022
We've all seen the professional lawn care operators working in our neighborhoods. We don't think nothing of it because they'e so prevalent. They make a fairly good living with their client base, but lately, they've found an even better way to bring in revenue: YouTube. That's right, yard work has gone to the big screen: your computer. Viewers can watch yard work being done in such a way that's not normally seen up close in their neighborhoods.

These guys can make more money setting up the camera than they can off their clients. It's hard work for the content provider, but very satisfying to watch for the audience. They often times work overgrown yards of abandoned properties because it's more entertaining for the audience and provides for more shocking content in the form of before /after photos.

This one guy has over 1.72Million subscribers and has gotten over 160,000 thumbs up for just one video. I don't know what that translates to as far as revenue, but it's got to be quite substantial because there's of lot of lawn care operators setting up the camera now days for money.

Kind of similar, but Drain Addict is one of my favorites to watch. Just a lone Australian (I don’t think it’s @Shannow but I could be wrong 🤔) clearing some very nasty looking drains usually with nothing more than his jetter.

I question how the viewers have the 35 min of free time to view the video.... I only wish I had that kind of free time.....
It’s great “background” noise or something to fall asleep too. Or maybe I’m the only one who can’t read without something on the TV as well… lol
That is one hard working guy. (y)

Even at my age, I still work like this around my home, my daughter's home and my MIL(RIP) home. I take care of all 3-once/per week(3 yards/week). Not that any of our yards are overgrown, I have everything under control. This includes all landscaping. So, this is what I do during my retirement along with my 20 mile/day bike rides.

In the winter, I shovel/snow blow when needed(just my home) and I go the gym or workout at home, putter indoors and hang with my wife. There's always something to do when you retire. In fact it makes one wonder how we ever had time for our job/career.
I am up between 3am-4am and in bed at night around 9pm. When I go to bed at night, I am truly tired.
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This is the same kind of work that ambitious kids done years ago. Today, they should spend the time to put the phone down, watch and learn.
When I was 17 years old, I was cutting 30 yards a week that summer. The next summer, I also had the contact to mow all of a city's grounds and the city park.... and it was a drought summer. Was paid even if I didn't mow. Most of what I had to do was to only keep the weeds down, thanks to the drought.
Did it all with a 1981 Buick Regal that had a hitch that I installed from JC Whitney, a 5x10 trailer, and equipment from the local John Deere dealer.
Really wanted to play high school football with my friends... didn't have any time. :(

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I don't think they make as much as you might think.

I looked into it once out of curiosity. Yes if they get 1.6M views, and people watch the whole thing and all the commercials, they make bank.

If people speed through it in 5 minutes and skip the commercials after 5 seconds, they really don't get much of anything for that viewer.

There are people that make there living doing this, but they need high number of viewers for most of the entire episode every week. A one off will get you some money but not enough to quit your day job.

How I understand it at least.
I question how the viewers have the 35 min of free time to view the video.... I only wish I had that kind of free time.....
I fall asleep learning about excavators and flood control on Youtube. I dont get drunk every night watching late night dumb shows. Judge lest ye be judged.
I question how the viewers have the 35 min of free time to view the video.... I only wish I had that kind of free time.....
People have this stuff on while at work. Whether it's working from home (minimal oversite) or right on their work computers or phone while in the office. Obviously we aren't talking about manufacturing or hands on work situations, but engineers, general office staff, etc, etc. I'm sure it's explicitly forbidding in some places, but I think there are a lot of places where it's permitted as long as work gets done (and sometimes even when it's not getting done).

I listen to podcasts (occasionally music) all day every day, I can keep up with those and get work done. I tried listening to audiobooks at work but I found I focused on either work or the book and the other got neglected, so I stopped. I could not have a video on and get work done. I've worked with people that tried to watch shows and such at work on their own device, but that got shot down in a hurry.
I bought an Echo string trimmer a few years ago, but before doing so I watched a bunch of videos of people clearing really overgrown lawns. I guess I'm part of the target audience? I did learn a few tips though.... I grew up in a family that believed using power tools was "cheating" so modern conveniences like the string trimmer were totally new to me.
I don't think they make as much as you might think.

I looked into it once out of curiosity. Yes if they get 1.6M views, and people watch the whole thing and all the commercials, they make bank.

If people speed through it in 5 minutes and skip the commercials after 5 seconds, they really don't get much of anything for that viewer.

There are people that make there living doing this, but they need high number of viewers for most of the entire episode every week. A one off will get you some money but not enough to quit your day job.

How I understand it at least.
My neighbor pays a guy who arrives with a Scag who completes the job in 10-15 minutes for $65. Now if his calls are all close together with little travel time and is busy all day, that's decent money
I question how the viewers have the 35 min of free time to view the video.... I only wish I had that kind of free time.....
Apparently you’ve never visited a Costco during a work day. I wish (figuratively) I could shop on co time like the wfh folks. I’m quite the opposite. My kid has half days the week before Thanksgiving and I have to take 3 days off while remote workers don’t.
LOL. I am waiting for the videos of someone watching themselves in a mirror! Its getting that wild. People have turned into video/cell phone zombies!
There are times I wonder. Say a person has 5 mil subs and makes (making it up) $500k/year. Is it sustainable and is it worthwhile? For me, I’d rather make $18/hr at the local grocery store as a cashier. I get to meet people and help them with their purchases 😂