Worry too much?

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Sep 19, 2004
Hi,i really enjoy the forum and have learned an awful lot about lubrication by visiting often.

But I have come to the conclusion that i don't think it is worth worrying about the very blurred line between what is fully synthetic and what is not--surely it is the total end product performance and not the base oil/additive make up that defines the product?

Shell, at least in Europe have an excellent reputation for their Helix products---classed as grp3 but the XHVI base has given results equal to full multi ester and pao products--surely proof that there is more than one way to skin a cat.

To my mind if a product meets ACEA A3/B3/B4 SJ/SM it is going to perform well no matter who produces it or how it is produced.

We get hung up in pour point figures that to the vast majority of us have little or no relevance and even in competition motoring in which i am involved if the cooling system,oil and coolant is designed/setup properly HT/HS figures are just that figures.

So to conclude,yes we all have our favourite brands and will have allegiance's to them but to my mind specification rather than brand is much more important and if the manufacturers after all the research and development they carry out recommend 0/20 or 15/40 i will be guided by them.Just my thoughts and no offence intended to any one and may the great oil debates continue.Best wishes and a happy easter to all. gus
Oh, man. You are, of course, correct. But, what would be the purpose of this site if we all simply followed common sense like THAT!? Happy Pagan Fertility Rites Holiday, or, Happy Easter, whichever way you view it. (The two lines are so blurred, it's hard to tell which viewpoint some people take any more!)
"But I have come to the conclusion that i don't think it is worth worrying about the very blurred line between what is fully synthetic and what is not-"

What, are you kidding me??? There's a whole lot of worry on here about things far less important!
I drive a VW with the infamous Audi 1.8T coke monster engine. With almost 5 years remaining on my powertrain warranty, I can't risk using anything less than a VW 502.00-rated oil, even though I suspect any good pseudosynthetic (Group III) or true synthetic in the proper viscosity range should be just fine.
Some cars that are sludge prone....you have to worry.

Other cars like Honda, just change the oil every 6000 miles and you will easily get 250K miles without any worry
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