Will used oil sludge up......

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Jan 31, 2010
Sitting for months in the collection container? I drained the oil on our 13 Altima today. I noticed that the residue sitting in the bottom of the collection pan was sludged up from the last oil change. The collection pan has been sitting in my garage. I've noticed the same in my mityvac that I use in my jeep and boat. I'm hoping this is happening in the collection containers, not my engines. All engines get changed on regular schedules.
I've never had it sludge up or thicken beyond how it came out temperature effecting viscosity notwithstanding. But I keep it in sealed containers.

but Iv seen particles fall from suspension and gather at the bottom of container creating a denser layer of detritus. - unless thats what you are calling " sludge".

A centrifuge spins it out quick, but left still long enough heavier particles drop.

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Used oil sitting in a pan is not the same as in a engine. There is plenty free air and water vapor in the garage, and not much in an engine. they're essentially low pressure sealed units (value of the PCV valve spring).
Originally Posted By: BrocLuno
Used oil sitting in a pan is not the same as in a engine. There is plenty free air and water vapor in the garage, and not much in an engine. they're essentially low pressure sealed units (value of the PCV valve spring).

Yep, I've seen oil laying in my pan (far too long) that has gotten a brownish tinge to it from absorbing moisture.
Originally Posted By: JLTD
Originally Posted By: BrocLuno
Used oil sitting in a pan is not the same as in a engine. There is plenty free air and water vapor in the garage, and not much in an engine. they're essentially low pressure sealed units (value of the PCV valve spring).

Yep, I've seen oil laying in my pan (far too long) that has gotten a brownish tinge to it from absorbing moisture.

Moisture (as in water vapour) isn't brown. Not even in China. If it went brown it either got dirt in it or it oxidised.
Originally Posted By: UncleDave

...but Iv seen particles fall from suspension and gather at the bottom of container creating a denser layer of detritus. - unless thats what you are calling " sludge"...

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Originally Posted By: JLTD
The brown I am writing about is the same milky color you get when you have coolant in the oil...a very light brown....

Like I said. Coolant has reactive chemicals in it so it isn't comparable to moisture absorbed from the air.
Originally Posted By: Ducked
Originally Posted By: JLTD
The brown I am writing about is the same milky color you get when you have coolant in the oil...a very light brown....

Like I said. Coolant has reactive chemicals in it so it isn't comparable to moisture absorbed from the air.

"but Iv seen particles fall from suspension and gather at the bottom of container creating a denser layer of detritus. - unless thats what you are calling " sludge"...

That may be what I'm looking at. The thinner oil drained out of the collection pan and in the bottom was noticably thicker oil. Think the consistency of room temp chicken grease.
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I have previously in my Peugeot had milky white stuff on my oil cap after sitting for a few weeks out in the street, particularly cold and rainy weeks, but it didn't have a blown head gasket like i thought at first, it was just some water that had condensated inside the engine.
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