Why do you believe in UFOs?

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Granted more free time, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford joins the UFO thread on BITOG. Welcome to the forum Mayor Ford. How is the weather in Ontario?
I believe in fallen angels. Nephilim. It's in the Bible, "giants" described as those who visited earth.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nephilim It's all right there.

I also believe in the delusion of deception to make people believe and search for signs in the skies instead of seeking God. That's all I'm gonna say on this topic.
Originally Posted By: jrustles
here is a picture of an aerosol dump from one of these 'space vehicles'

Those are some nice trails! Wish we has some space action like that around here.

There a good collection of them here:

... and here:

"Sometimes when the weather, the time and the light is just about right, rocket launches can leave spectacular trails over the sky. It’s called twilight phenomenon. This happens when unburned particles of rocket propellant and water left in the vapor trail of a launch vehicle condenses, freezes and then expands in the less dense upper atmosphere. The exhaust plume, which is suspended against a dark sky is then illuminated by reflective high altitude sunlight, which produces a spectacular, colorful effect when seen at ground level. Depending on weather conditions, the pattern could remain in the sky for up to half an hour before dispersing."
Originally Posted By: Garak
Originally Posted By: MolaKule
I see this statement pop up occasionally on various sites.

You're right, Mola. Aliens did it, so that ends the discussion.

I totally agree with you guys. I had a similar argument going in the Ancient Aliens thread and in the end, when the other side run out of arguments, I was called "closed minded" and "brainwashed"
, yet the accusers showed no signs of being open minded and just repeated stuff blindly from the show.
If that's not a sign of being brain washed, I don't know what is
Originally Posted By: jrustles
The Norway spiral and others like it, no question in my mind, are other examples of these dumps, where the aerosol is entrained in the crafts own field of gravity as it moves, spirally.

It's Febreeze to deal with smog, you know.

Originally Posted By: jrustles
Why melt the arctic?!

Forget the Arctic and start here. It's -27 C, by the way.

You have much to do to make your assertions testable, though. A start would be warming it up here.

Originally Posted By: MolaKule
Consider that matter's mass is affected by gravity or "gravitons," or gravity waves, which by the way, Gravitons have not been proven as yet, but this is hypothetical anyway.

Mola, you know that "gravity waves" in this context (and probably this thread) is generally a crank term. If you utter it again, I'm going to beat you with a fuel rod.

As for Tunguska, there is more very recent evidence of the meteoroid theory. It is here, at Nature magazine.
Originally Posted By: dwcopple
If you are so close minded to believe that we are the only intelligent life forms in the universe despite all the ancient artifacts that depict visits from extra terrestrials, then you truly do believe everything you are told...keep on being herded sheeple.

That's funny. Calling the skeptics who want actual, real evidence "herded sheeple" is hilarious, coming from someone who watches television and a few youtube videos that sensationalize what may or may not be "ancient artifacts" and holding that up as proof of an advanced civilization somewhere in the universe.

Thanks for the laugh.
That is a scientific link, GenSan, but I'm guessing MolaKule wants a little something more than a first year biology textbook. I'm assuming he took that course a very long time ago.

After all, engineers, physicists, and mathematicians have to take a social science elective. Bazinga.
The people who claim weather manipulation need to SERIOUSLY read up on the amount of energy it would take to actually alter jet streams enough, or to create areas of low/high pressure of the synoptic scale. And then, somehow heat the atmosphere enough to accomplish the task.

Funneling cold air from the arctic south? HOW? One average thunderstorm releases the amount of energy of a 20-kiloton nuclear bomb. The amount of energy required to alter the weather on earth to a degree as to create it and move it around, is so mind boggling it doesn't even register. Think of the energy from the sun, which is the main source of energy that causes weather.

We're debating whether UFOs are real (when a great majority of the videos and photos are documented bull [censored]) and you're telling me UFOs are actually chemtrail dumpers for the purpose of altering the weather on earth?

Originally Posted By: Drew99GT
The people who claim weather manipulation need to SERIOUSLY read up on the amount of energy it would take to actually alter jet streams enough, or to create areas of low/high pressure of the synoptic scale. And then, somehow heat the atmosphere enough to accomplish the task.

The energy is already there.


Funneling cold air from the arctic south? HOW? One average thunderstorm releases the amount of energy of a 20-kiloton nuclear bomb. The amount of energy required to alter the weather on earth to a degree as to create it and move it around, is so mind boggling it doesn't even register. Think of the energy from the sun, which is the main source of energy that causes weather.

See, even you agree, the energy is already there. Albedo effects of aerosol provides further energy, and that's on top of the latent heat of condensation. If you want oto know how they do it, DON'T think like a civilian and don't use civilian-grade (dis)information such as:


"Sometimes when the weather, the time and the light is just about right, rocket launches can leave spectacular trails over the sky. It’s called twilight phenomenon. This happens when unburned particles of rocket propellant and water left in the vapor trail of a launch vehicle condenses, freezes and then expands in the less dense upper atmosphere. The exhaust plume, which is suspended against a dark sky is then illuminated by reflective high altitude sunlight, which produces a spectacular, colorful effect when seen at ground level. Depending on weather conditions, the pattern could remain in the sky for up to half an hour before dispersing."


What are we, cave people?


We're debating whether UFOs are real (when a great majority of the videos and photos are documented bull [censored]) and you're telling me UFOs are actually chemtrail dumpers for the purpose of altering the weather on earth?


YES. A resounding YES. Critical to mention because some people don't even believe gravitic propulsion crraft exist or are even feasable, and I'm telling you we've domesticated that stuff for our own purposes!! WE MUST AS A SOCIETY GET UP TO SPEED. Many people are incapable of understanding how lucrative "owning the weather by 2025" or "weather as a weapon" is or how long the endeavor's been going on for.

Will mankind ever have a chance to get up to speed on what is happening on the planet, and what technologies exist and are being used or will we defeat our own selves with futility and doubt citing conventional knowledge.

I had somewhat resolved to let that last post be the last post on the subject, but I promise this will be the last one. YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO ACCEPT OR BELIEVE ANYTHING POSTED. NO ONE SHOULD BELIEVE ANYTHING THEY READ, I do not believe in "rote" learning AT ALL, but that doesn't mean a person cannot be inspired to investigate by it, even if that investigation is just passively observing these events happening in real time, over the course of many years.

Just for fun, watch satellite imagery and composite temperature maps. DO this each day for a few years, like I have, it will become self-evident even without knowing intention behind it.
temp composite

If anyone has satellite imagery of Haiyan, watch as aerosol is repeatedly fed into it's legs (this appears as "explosions" or "poofs").From my observations, when creating a hurricane, you want to start with a viable rotation, then feed it from the eye and feed it's legs. The larger you can make the rotation, the higher and more destructive one can make the wind speeds. It's like a bearing!! Large diameter bearings have higher surface speeds per rotation than smaller diam bearings at the same RPM. By creating a miles across hurricane, wind speeds can be cranked right up.

Of course, it's my personal opinion that they are not 100% successful in creating viable storms or storms of the power that htey intend. But sometimes they nail it.
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AGAIN, tell me how "they" can steer the weather??? You say the energy is already there, but in order to steer the weather, you would have to induce energy to do so. The Earth spins really fast, and areas of low and high pressure created by differential heating from the sun cause fixed in place jet streams from the coriolis force. How do they do it? Don't give me the HAARP [censored]. I'm sure, since you are one of the ones who believes in massive geo engineering, you believe the fairy tales put out by Dutchsinse who claims HAARP shows up on Nexrad radar. That hoax was put out a decade ago by Richard Hoagland it was determined to be hogwash even by conspiracy theorists at that time!

I look at weather maps all the time. I'm a certified Skywarn weather spotter and amateur storm chaser. I see NOTHING out of the ordinary on weather maps, other than the fact they change with the season, and neither do the plethora of meteorologists out there. oh wait, let me guess: they are all complicit in the conspiracy...

The amount of energy required to create a hurricane is not at the disposal of human beings dude. Sorry. In order for man to create an area of low pressure that could form into a hurricane, the energy needed is on a magnitude of thousands of nuclear bombs going off. An average hurricane releases 200 times the entire worldwide energy output created by man in one year. It would take an equal amount of energy to get one going.

Hurricanes and other low pressure systems on Earth get their "spin" from the rotation of the Earth and the coriolis force. The level of energy just required to get a synpotic scale area of low pressure to form is off the charts (in terms of human capability); in order to somehow induce artificial "spin" on a tropical low pressure system against the prevailing weather is beyond fantasy.
Originally Posted By: jrustles

If anyone has satellite imagery of Haiyan, watch as aerosol is repeatedly fed into it's legs (this appears as "explosions" or "poofs").

Oh my god. You are one of them that believes Dutchsinse! What you see on radar are rendering errors in the software or the radar operator switching the radar, and on satellite, you see lines of clouds forming as the pressure drops from the air being sucked into the center of the storm. The lines can form along smaller scale weather boundaries (think fronts are airmasses with different amounts of moisture or temperature or density). You can look at satellite images all day and see all kinds of whacky looking things that one could think are some covert thing to alter the weather, like outflow boundaries, cold fronts, warm fronts, gravity waves, CONTRAILS etc. Explosions or poofs? Where do you think clouds come from? Thin air? Oh wait, they do! If you want, I can show you archived satellite images of severe thunderstorm outbreaks over the United States where it goes from crystal clear blue sky to supercell thunderstorms in one hour. Cloud bands feeding into tropical cyclones (which are made up of THUNDERSTORMS) do the exact same thing, and it may appear like they came out of nowhere when you view a satellite timelapse (because they did come out of nowhere).

You honestly think a secret cabal was purposely flying airplanes in and around Typhoon Haiyan with the purpose of spreading areasol condensation nuclei to strengthen it and kill a bunch of people? have you thought of going and investigating the air traffic pattern around that area?

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Originally Posted By: jrustles

What are we, cave people?

Some claim the Nazis got rocket technology from aliens, who also must be cave people. Or, we have new technology hidden that no physicist knows anything about?

Originally Posted By: jrustles
YES. A resounding YES. Critical to mention because some people don't even believe gravitic propulsion crraft exist or are even feasable, and I'm telling you we've domesticated that stuff for our own purposes!! WE MUST AS A SOCIETY GET UP TO SPEED.

Belief is irrelevant. How do you create gravity without mass? How do you overcome inertia? How do you create virtually instantaneous acceleration without crushing everyone and everything inside like an egg?

Show me the math.
OK, so...we already have "gravitic propulsion craft"?

...and they operate on principles not yet discovered in Physics?

...and we have these craft because, what, Aliens dropped in and gave gravitic propulsion to the DOD without anyone else knowing?

...and the thousands of people working on/with these craft are able to keep a perfect secret?

...and because a person doesn't accept "lights in the sky" as proof of this set of beliefs, they are somehow less intelligent? less scientifically aware?

Holy Tautologies Batman! We're way behind!

Guess I'll take 30 years of flying and personal observation of phenomena along with that degree in Astrophysics and flush my understanding down the drain so I can adopt a reality predicated on really big words from the internet...

That, or maybe get a cup of coffee and get back to work instead of getting drawn in across the event horizon of conspiracy....
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We humans NEED to believe.
My 'Theory' is; We are cursed with a large brain and a relatively short lifespan, so we can understand a lot, but we can't understand everything. We are not happy 'not knowing' So we have a tendency to just fill in the blanks with whatever our peers suggest.

Our local native Indian band has a legend that there ancestors came from the sky and anchored their "Canoe" to the top of a local mountain.
DNA suggests otherwise, unless they just went for a cosmic joy ride, but it makes a good story, full of wonderment, and I guess we humans like that sort of thing.

Iceland has the most literate population on the planet, but about 50% of Icelanders believe in elves!

Many people in NA would not elect a politician unless that politician had certain 'Beliefs' (that correlate with their own)

I believe it's time for a Beer
Mola, you know that "gravity waves" in this context (and probably this thread) is generally a crank term. If you utter it again, I'm going to beat you with a fuel rod. wink

As for Tunguska, there is more very recent evidence of the meteoroid theory. It is here, at Nature magazine.

This whole discussion is pretty hypothetical so I thought I would introduce another "Hypo."

Much on the Tunguska event depends on who you read and as we know, science is always changing it's theories.

If anyone wishes to explore MAM further, a good read on MAM is the one by Frank Close, Antimatter, professor of physics at Oxford University who discusses the many possibilities of the cause of the Tunguska event.
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I did just read an article on gravity wave detection in Scientific American, the October issue...my wife bought it for me after seeing me transfixed by the cover and talking about it on the drive back home...

Now, I have a subscription...thanks Honey!

Back on topic - doesn't prove that LGMs are visiting us...or that they taught our government how to harness those waves...

Everyone knows that S.H.I.E.L.D. once held the key to that type of limitless power, but after Loki stole it, the Tesseract is now safely back in the hands of the Asgardians...or is it...
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You're referring to a fluid dynamics phenomena, not the true gravity waves of Physics:

In fluid dynamics, gravity waves are waves generated in a fluid medium or at the interface between two media which has the restoring force of gravity or buoyancy. An example of such an interface is that between the atmosphere and the ocean, which gives rise to wind waves.

from Wiki.
On April 28, 1997 U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen made the following statement:

“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts.”

So I suppose that Mr. Cohen is a conspiracy nut as well. LOL
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