Who knows how to grow chili Piquin?

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Aug 12, 2003
south texas border
I have a couple of chile habanero in a pot out back and lots of chili piquin, but you know I had to start with potted plants, anyone know how to make them grow from seeds ( no comments about getting them from the south side of a north bound bird please as this is not practical). Hey a guy got to have a hobby while waiting for the last drop of oil to come out during an oil change
Hopefully I run into my Uncle and Cousin soon. They LOVE growing things and peppers is there major love. I wanna say they grew some this summer and that they were gonna grow some from seeds next year. Im not sure if you dry the seeds or grow em moist....but I will definatly try to find out for ya.

I bought a bunch of seeds when I was in Santa Fe and one thing I learned, it's got to be warm. Use good soil, the kind you have to buy. Don't soak the soil, just keep it moist. When they start to sprout, make sure they get sunlight, but not full time. My Jalepenos did really well here in Oklahoma this summer with about 60% sunlight. I forgot the Genus or species, but some peppers only do good at certain altitudes. That's why I just love going to Santa Fe whenever I can....just can't get enough of that delicious food. Look at www.santafeschoolofcooking.com they have have some pretty good info on just about all the types of peppers.
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