Whirring Noise in Driver's Seat Area

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Sep 18, 2002
For the longest time I can hear a slight whirring noise in the Driver's seat area on my LS430. Sort of a faint whistling whirring combo. Only starts at around 40 mph and doesn't get any louder as I go faster. I jacked up the rear end and went to 60 mph by speedometer and didn't hear it.

I have a stethoscope. I listened to the rear wheels and rear diff but nothing alarmed me as being wrong.

Am I correct in assuming this is coming from my tires? Or I guess it could be wind noise?

It is the loudest between the steering wheel and the center console.
Interesting as I have been attempting to find the same kind of noise in my 1999 S-10 V6 (210,000 miles) and this one sings/whirrs with engine rpm.

I am suspecting it to be one of two things 1) Serpentine belt Idler/tensioner, 2) Transmission Torque converter.

Engine, tranny, and Serpentine belt Idler/tensioner all original.
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My wife driving it!
My daughter's Malibu had a whirring/light growling noise that I swear to God was coming from the left front. Nope. Left rear bearing. Sometimes it's hard to figure out where them noises B comin' from.
Originally Posted by cjcride
Could it be the spedometer cable in need of lubricant?

Interesting. I don't even know if it has a cable.
Originally Posted by Pelican
If you have cooled seats, what you're hearing is the fan blowing air.

But it doesn't make the sound unless the car is moving???
Originally Posted by cjcride
Could it be the spedometer cable in need of lubricant?

In my case, it varies directly with engine rpm, not vehicle speed.
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Reminder, I have the car up on 4 stands. No tire is touching the ground. With the trac off I can get the speed up to 60 mph going by speedometer and do not hear the sound.

I don't really hear it on the road until about 40 mph moving.
Originally Posted by Gebo
Interesting. I don't even know if it has a cable.

Pretty much nothing since the 80s does.

Some cars with climate control have a little fan in the dash to pull in cabin air and see if you're comfortable.
If it doesn't happen on the stands but happens on the road my vote is some sort of wind noise. I had a mysterious one that was driving me nuts until I finally figured out that a piece of the door seal was sticking up enough to buzz at highway speeds. Have you tried running the windows up, down while moving. Maybe turn the fan off and on and all settings. I've had severe buzzing sounds come from stuff caught in the cabin fan.
Originally Posted by MrMoody
Originally Posted by Gebo
Interesting. I don't even know if it has a cable.

Pretty much nothing since the 80s does.

Some cars with climate control have a little fan in the dash to pull in cabin air and see if you're comfortable.

I turned that little fan off so it aint it.
Originally Posted by PimTac
Have someone sit in the back seat behind you as you drive. They might be able to pinpoint it.

That is a great idea! Maybe bribe my wife for some Cold Stone.....
Ok. It is not the tires. Just got some new tires of a different make today. I am making s road trip today and I have determined I hear loudest at 40-70 mph. When I get to 90 mph, it is gone. Below 30 I hear nothing as well. Ideas? Wind noise?
I rechecked the front and rear wheel bearings with a stethoscope and they appear to be good. See my post in Mechanic forum concerning stethoscope question.

But here is more information that may help you. I have noticed that when I get in the car and drive off, it will take between 1/2 - 3/4 mile before the whirring metallic
sound gets up to its loudest level and stay there. If I get in and go 50 mph quickly, I barely hear it until I get a ways down the road. It's like whatever it is has to
turn few times????

It doesn't vary with speed or RPMs. IT's just there between 40-70 mph.
I think I am going to relax the drive belt, remove it, and also spin the Alternator pulley since this is the original alternator with only 210,00 miles.

I am still thinking it could be either the tensioner pulley OR the Alternator bearings.

We'll see.
Let me know what you discover. You haven't had any belts changed lately, have you?
Originally Posted by Gebo
Let me know what you discover. You haven't had any belts changed lately, have you?

Will do.

No, no belt changes. This was my dad's truck and I have no idea if this is the original belt or a replacement. He maybe put 10 miles a week on it when he had it.

I use it mainly for ARES Storm spotting.
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