Where's my paint code?

Aug 2, 2018
Using some youtube video's as reference, I found the sticker that should contain my paint code but the area that I circled is usually where the paint code is according to the video's.


Here is the reference from youtube
What an odd label. It doesn't have the background GM watermark, plus it was clearly applied to a contaminated surface. Is this the original? It sure doesn't look like it. There's also no QR code in the upper right.
I don't believe that's the code. When searched online with "19c GM paint" it comes up as blue and red. This car is jet black.
Hmmm, I'm searching for it and coming up with a couple shades of green. Maybe it refers to something such as the clear coat instead?

Is this for the Cobalt?
VIN matches everywhere else. No idea if car was ever repainted. I've only owned it for 2 months. Thanks @DuckRyder for decoding that.
The easiest thing to do would be to take a small piece like a gas cap door or mirror cover to a automotive paint supply shop, they can use a special camera to identify the color. Black is not always black, the purist black is Musou black, it is weird to look at, any other black is some sort of mix.

Not applicable to your car but interesting.
