Where to get crush washers for Harbor Freight engines?

Mar 16, 2003
I have a couple engines/motors from Harbor Freight and I need some new aluminum crush washers for the drain plugs. One engine is the big 9500W Predator generator and the other is a 29 gallon oiled air compressor which has a tiny crush washer. Harbor Freight does not sell these washers as far as I can tell. Any idea where I can get some new spare ones? The Predator washer has an out side diameter of 12.25mm and inside is 6.05mm. And the Generator washer is outside diameter is 0.7895 inches with and inside diameter of 0.4745. Thanks for any help!
Does HF have them? OR...
Maybe at your local lawnmower/snowblowers, chainsaw store. You know, the small engine shop where you can buy Ariens, Toro, Honda, Simplicity, Stihl, Husqvarna etc. OR...Amazon?
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I have a couple engines/motors from Harbor Freight and I need some new aluminum crush washers for the drain plugs. One engine is the big 9500W Predator generator and the other is a 29 gallon oiled air compressor which has a tiny crush washer. Harbor Freight does not sell these washers as far as I can tell. Any idea where I can get some new spare ones? The Predator washer has an out side diameter of 12.25mm and inside is 6.05mm. And the Generator washer is outside diameter is 0.7895 inches with and inside diameter of 0.4745. Thanks for any help!

Something in here will fit. If they're just oil drain plugs, the diameters are not that critical. They'll seal if everything is clean. Just pick the closest one that slips over the threads.
I like to use aluminum washers, the require less torque to seal properly. These have been fine.

I picked up one each of these and so far they have come in handy for a lot of different things requiring crush washers.

I don't like crush washers and usually replace them with copper sourced at our local hardware store. The link shows a large assortment to choose from.
Why making this as a problem? You can do or make your own. Get an empty "corrugated" serial or cake mix box and copy the washer. I've been doing this for years and not a single oil leak . It's old school but it works. Or if you can't make one on your own, try installing the drain plug without the washer. Then see if it leaks. I have the confidence it will not.
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