What to use for oil filter cutter???

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Jun 23, 2006
What are some easy and convenient ways you found to cut open oil filters? I would like to find one that would also cut open fuel filters as well.
I used tin snips to cut off the folded lip near the filter gasket at the outer diameter of the filter. It introduces no metal shavings into the filter.

Another idea... Ever see that comercial for the can openener that cuts the outside wall of the can? I think it's hand operated? I bet that would work great. Might have to remove the rubber seal ring first though.
You can buy tools specifically for cutting open oil filters. I've never been able to spend the money on one though, i think they're around $40-$60.

At the bottom of this page shows what i use to cut open filters since im cheap. (yet i dont mind wasting money to cut open filters..

The device to the right on the papertowel in the picture below is what I use. It's an exhaust pipe cutter I got a Pepboys for about $20. It works pretty well, but it does have some trouble with thin-walled models, such as Fram and Purolator, which tend to cave in some as you try to make a clean cut. Once you get the technique down, you can open any filter that will fit in its jaws (some of the very large sizes won't).
Summit Racing sells one, I think it's $35. But I don't think I like it as much as the two that you guys are showing.SXG6, what is that red handled jobber in the pic, is that a exhaust pipe cutter or just a pipe cutter? I wonder if Home Depot has something like that?!?!
I second the dremel response. It's very useful. One thing to keep in mind is that if there's any oil still in the filter when you cut it open, it will spray all over you. It helps if you rotate the filter so the oil is on the bottom but make sure you have something to catch the oil in.
I used the Dremel to cut open a few used but when I used it on a new one, I noticed all kinds of grit etc from the cutting wheel on the inside. So if you use a power tool, you are inducing dirt into the filter and if its used, you may not be able to tell and assume the filter was that dirty. Not that big a deal but then you have to take that in consideration in evaluating what you find inside.

The new filter has a discolored ring around if from the wheel cutting the metal was.
I used to use a hack saw and it worked OK, got a Dremmel for my b-day, and the Dremmel is so much quicker. Only thing is don't use the cheap cutting wheel, I went through 2 with 1 filter (the OEM Hyundai are pretty thick walled), I used the fiberglass reinforced one on a Mopar filter and it cut better and not as much grit.
I use an old fashioned antique "hook" style can opener. It works great and is faster thana saw, doesn't leave filings and was cheap ie. free.
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