What the heck?

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Mods, eliminate this topic because if you click on the link it the department of homeland security says your IP address has been recorded and no one needs that.
I did delete the link. Any site that you visit records your IP. This one is owned by a young male living at home with his parents. He frequently gets grounded for fighting. If you are wondering why the site was taken down, probably had to do with the address of the owner. Also it was a site that hosted war games. The owner lives in South Dakota and clan-xxx.com was part of his email address. I left out the rest and put the xxx.

Due to the e-mails sent to the vermin representing my area in Congress I expect those multiple CRAYs of the NSA to be monitoring me.

No threats or anything illegal, thus no FBI or jackbooted thugs at the door but, since the elites fear the masses and adgitators such as I, monitoring is within the possibility realm.

The elite's software does monitor a certain amount of Web traffic so ya'll have likely been sniffed at at some point.

Originally posted by obbop:
...No threats or anything illegal, thus no FBI or jackbooted thugs at the door....

I've often wondered; What exactly are Jackboots? Who wears Jackboots? Who invented the term "Jackboot"? Where can I get a pair of Jackboots?
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