What is the stuff detail shops use on engine compartments?

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Feb 1, 2005
South Texas
I was helping a friend look at used vehicles.

I have seen 3 with fully pressure wash engine compartments with what looks like an oil based spray has been applied.

Everything in the engine bay is sticky.

Reminds me of Back to Black from Black Magic(?) when I used it on black exterior trim.

The stuff on the engine looks like it would attract dust and grime real qucik.

What is this stuff?

I told friend to stay away from cars looking like that b/c some minimum wage earning scrub in the back of the lot blasted high pressure water all up in the electonics and plugs.
It's probably a rubber and plastic dressing, like Armor All or similar. I would not be surprised to discover they used a tire shine product on the engine, same as they use on tires.

There are products called "clear engine paint" which is basically a clear lacquer sprayed onto a freshly cleaned engine. I used to use clear lacquer all the time when I detailed engines for customers. I have a similar product from Griots Garage that works well. At least this stuff actually dries as opposed to the oily tire dressing goo.
Is the sticky stuff on the engine or just on the firewall and strut towers? It could be that you are looking at an "undercoating" or "oil spray" that is used to prevent rust and this is very desireable.

When I power washed my diesel with engine cleaner a few months ago the soap bleached the cloth covered fuel lines. After that I just used normal high pressure soap. Thankfully there is a complete lack of electronics on my engine.

srivett, to answer your question..

It's over the whole entire engine compartment.

I have seen it before when looking at used cars.

It's as if an engine degreaser was sprayed top to bottom, left to right under the hood, then blasted off with a pressure washer. Then baby oil sprayed everywhere.

Any part I touched felt like it had a slight oily residue. It wasn't driping off, but it was everywhere.
CD2 Engine detail is second to "NONE"
Unlike most of the CD(snakeoil) product line,the engine detail spray is a great product.
It is nothing like the WD40 dirt magnet type sprays with more popular brand names.When useing CD2 its best done with a WD40 spray top includeing the red tube for maximum coverage to tight places like the firewall,behind battery trays,fan shroud and blades etc,etc. YES spray every square inch of the engine bay. Missed areas will stand out so use it conservativly in order to retain some product for touch-up.Generally a can will do my entire LS1 engine bay and I`ll still have enough to do my lower engine(oil-pan/trans etc) and front end,also all four fenderwells(makes them ugly gray areas like new)
Not a bad deal for $6+
Just do a search on some of the top LS1 sites and you`ll get plenty of feedback on this product!!


Originally posted by DJ:
303 is supposed to be great and not attract dust like silicon base Armor all and the like do.

303 is great stuff.
Been using on my interiors and black engine parts for over 10 years.
To clean, Simple Green. To detail, 303 all the way.
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