~$4 for Mobil 1 and ~$2 for Mobil Drive Clean at my local Pep Boys. That's what it costs.quote:
Originally posted by timzak:
I like how you round the cost of your synthetic down to $4 (occasional sale price) but conveniently keep the conventional stuck at $2 (standard retail).
I'm amazed the EPA lets car makers get away with that "1 quart of oil/1000 miles is okay" deal. Surely oil dropping out the bottom of a car (or evaporating into the air) can't be good for the environment.
Natural 15,000 miles:
$1/qt * 4qts * 5 changes (once per 3000) = $20
+ $20 per JiffyLube or Dealer visit = $120 TOTAL
Synthetic 15,000 miles:
$4/qt * 4qts * 2 changes (once per 7500) = $32
+ $20 per JiffyLube or Dealer visit = $72 TOTAL
Even if I use the cheap $1 crapola oil, the synthetic still looks a lot better for my wallet.