What do you use to clean up oil, fluid spills in the driveway?

Oct 7, 2012
North Carolina
I don't mean Exxon Valdez type spills that require kitty litter. But small used motor oil, ATF, PS fluid spills from your own DYI jobs that may spot your driveway.
I slide a tarp under the car which works well. I’ve also used a vinyl coated tablecloth but they don’t slide easily on broom brushed concrete.
Haven't figured it out yet, tried a few things, nothing seems to quite work. Brake cleaner and paper towel has worked best so far, but not great.

I try to do my work in the garage, on the concrete. That cleans up much better, is less visible, and less objectionable to boot.
Purple power, scrub it until it doesn't act oily anymore (water doesn't bead on it) rinse with hose. Since I use my dad's driveway I have to get rid of all the messes I make
I keep a large sheet of cardboard for sliding under the car. [It even keeps my clothes cleaner.] Invariably there is some tiny spill when changing oil and that catches almost all of it. I have kitty litter if it extends beyond that - though I haven't needed to use it in years. A few flecks here and there disappear by natural processes (bacteria I assume).
Out here in the Summer oil drips and stains don't last long. They disappear very quickly. But overspray from tire shine appears every time the driveway gets wet.

The crescent shape overspray from 3 years ago still shows up when wet.... Then disappears as soon as it dries. Which takes about 5 minutes in this weather.
This stuff is like magic...not cheap but works better than Dawn, Purple Power, Spray Nine, Kitty Litter or a pressure washer.

Goof Off makes a product for oil spills. It works well on concrete or cement if the spill is fresh. It is worthless on old spills that have soaked in weeks or months previously. A workman very thoughtfully parked his truck on my driveway and leaked a couple of good sized spots. What the Goof Off didn't absorb was finished off with some Dawn DW soap scrubbed in with a nylon brush and hosed off after a few minutes.

Like others I prefer to prevent stains by using a drip tray when doing an oil change for example, and by addressing any spills ASAP. Getting the stains out before they have had a chance to set is most of the battle.