What do you mean Ivory Soap doesn’t float any more?

Never thought I'd read a thread that alternated between soap and ice cream.

I've been using African black soap, but may change as I'm getting tired of cleaning up the mess it leaves. There was another thread a while back and some people had good things to say about Duke Cannon soap. Thoughts?
Does anyone actually buy soap in bars anymore?? 😵‍💫
I guess it’s been a while, but it was news to me when I found out Ivory Soap bars no longer floats. I know it was really mostly a marketing gimmick (“So pure it floats”) since it was really just air whipped into the soap before going into the molds. The bars tended to feel really light for the size. But as a kid who preferred baths, I always liked that I didn’t have to search for the bar at the bottom of the tub.

It isn’t an overstatement to say that Ivory soap – one of P&G’s iconic brands and very first products – changed the world. Today, we may not think about the benefit of having soap that floats. But in the late 19th century, when people were still bathing in the murky waters of local rivers and streams, a soap that floated was revolutionary. Since we are now bathing in tubs/showers, a floating bar is no longer necessary.​

There have been some complaints that the soap itself has changed, but as far as I can tell it’s still saponified palm oil and palm kernel oil like it’s been for decades. At least from the ingredient list since I haven’t bought any of the new stuff.

I used to use Ivory bar soap for about 20 years then about ~10yrs ago switched to Kirk's Castile bar soap. Ivory used to be able to be used until they were almost a sliver thick in size up until about 10 yrs ago. Then they started to break I half just under half the original size, something in the formula changed then. Kirk's Castile will be usable until it's a sliver and rinses clean as ivory did. I don't like feeling slimy/slippery from other soaps especially liquid.
I used to use Ivory bar soap for about 20 years then about ~10yrs ago switched to Kirk's Castile bar soap. Ivory used to be able to be used until they were almost a sliver thick in size up until about 10 yrs ago. Then they started to break I half just under half the original size, something in the formula changed then. Kirk's Castile will be usable until it's a sliver and rinses clean as ivory did. I don't like feeling slimy/slippery from other soaps especially liquid.

I've been using a bar that was saved up for a while. It's actually cracked twice, but is still in one piece.

Some of the tendency to crack might be from all the air pumped into the soap. Probably isn't going to be happening now.
We have a real man here - completely unaware of bottles of scented body wash and loofas !

No doubt... stumbled onto this brand maybe 6 yrs ago and won't bother EVER buying anything else. Prefer it over any bar soap over decades of trying/buying as well as homemade soap a nephew was supplying me with, which was quite good. Pair that Kirk's with a Brillo pad and some serious 'exfoliation' is in order!

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Never thought I'd read a thread that alternated between soap and ice cream.

I've been using African black soap, but may change as I'm getting tired of cleaning up the mess it leaves. There was another thread a while back and some people had good things to say about Duke Cannon soap. Thoughts?
I use it off and on, both bars and gel. My only complaint with the bars are that they're huge and not easy to cut so it's a balancing act to make the bar fit in the soap holder I complained about earlier. They sell a "tactical scrubber" that holds the soap and acts as a soap on a rope and loofa but at something like $20 each, that's a very hard pass for me.
No doubt... stumbled onto this brand maybe 6 yrs ago and won't bother EVER buying anything else. Prefer it over any bar soap over decades of trying/buying as well as homemade soap a nephew was supplying me with, which was quite good. Pair that Kirk's with a Brillo pad and some serious 'exfoliation' is in order!
Decent stuff. I use Kirk's in rotation with Pears. Been around for decades. The stuff burnt my nose pretty bad the other day. But I like it.
Pears rinses off faster though. Trying to save water when we have a drought. Shower a minute, Get wet, shut of the shower, lather up, turn the shower back on. rise off. Everyone should be doing this, especially if you are paying for Municipal water and sewer.

I am up in a rustic log cabin in the woods No hydrants, no natural gas. Just my private drilled well.
Never thought I'd read a thread that alternated between soap and ice cream.

I've been using African black soap, but may change as I'm getting tired of cleaning up the mess it leaves. There was another thread a while back and some people had good things to say about Duke Cannon soap. Thoughts?
A Johnny come lately gen Y promotion. There are other alternatives. Try a Health Food or Nature store and look around. But you may get a few nasty looks from the unshaved women.

Or p.m. @burbguy82 his wife is making some good stuff he says!
I think the distinction is when it's more than a basic vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry ice cream. I remember looking at a container of either Cookies & Cream or Mint Chip and the words "ice cream" were not on that label.
It's not on the Rich Creamy Chocolate container either (dont ask me how I know) but it is on the Chocolate container
Physiology 101 throw in the words Creamy, Cream, Ice Cream FLAVORS (an ice cream flavor does not mean it is ice cream) as in the link I provided in this thread. Your mind reads those words and you assume Ice Cream
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LOOK at the saturated fat % VERSUS FROZEN DESSERT product. I got to run and eat lunch blood sugar is crashing!

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I just saw this, yes you are correct on the plain Chocolate, if this helps you can get Breyers Rich Creamy Chocolate that is made to look like Ice Cream but is not. The point is the fat is MUCH lower and yet it is labelled Rich Creamy Chocolate.
Some of Breyer's is considered "light ice cream" or what used to be sold as ice milk. Other might be "frozen dairy dessert" because they don't contain enough real milk/cream and might replace cream with something like palm oil. I think the Snickers Breyers I got recently was "light ice cream". But cherry vanilla is "frozen dairy dessert". Yeah - it uses coconut oil to substitute for a good portion of dairy cream.


and the physiology is to put in nice big writing 100% Grade A Milk and Cream. The vast majority thinks that is Ice Cream.
Same goes for their "Rich Creamy Chocolate" yet it is not ice cream.
I am thoroughly done with the Ice cream subject for now. Read the label before you buy.
most all common store brands are variation of Meh! Americans accept mediocrity as this is what they are constantly presented.

Maybe you don't want 50% of you daily allowance of saturated fats in one serving! Acknowledging that those added Pole bean legume gums seem good for my gut. But I also don't think red seaweed or Celluose is a good thing to eat. Don't like the gummy texture, screams FAKE! Softening Ice cream shouldn't pull and string like melted mozzarella cheese taffy

Yep talkin' to you, Dreyer's-Edy's - and your freezer chest cohorts!
over the last couple years or so, i've actually switched back to bar soap, from and all in 1 " hair and body wash" ( i'm bald. no point wasting money of fancy shampoos)
bounced around a few var. I like the Dr.Squatch stuff, but it costs too much, and disappears to fast.
I like Irish Spring, Tried Lever 2000, but WAAYY too perfumed... it gave me a headache just having it in the bathroom..
finally settled back to the old standard Ivory.
GF says it smells like bug spray.
I always keep Ivory and baby shampoo available for guests.