What did Putin hope to accomplish?

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Originally Posted By: Silverado12
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Bad news: morale in the US military is at an all time low and they are treated like Paul Blart in the movie Mall Cop.

Good news: the chief in charge is sending the musical group Village People to perform at military bases to help boost morale and show the world we really mean business

Senior military officers are puppets with empty nut sack....

Says the "military" guy who won't even support his own country by buying an American car.

I think we've ran across each other before on this board where you said basically the same thing.

You DO realize that your Chevy Cruze is, at best, assembled with only 50% U.S. made parts while Mr. Nice's Honda is 85%?

This came form a flag waving "Buy American" website that you should be familiar with.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
If I was ship commander I give the order to fire warning AAA with the gatling guns to send a friendly message this game has to stop.

Two days later I would be in Washington relieved of my command and forced out of the Navy.... which wouldn't be a bad thing considering the terrible leadership in the White House.

I would rather get kicked out than be a puppet too afraid to order warning shots at Russia aircraft.

Honda does manufacture vehicles in the USA.

Sad thing is that many on this board don't see the worldwide pattern of aggression toward the U.S. and why it is occurring. They keep saying inaccurate things like "oh, this is nothing unusual"...when they do not see the entire picture nor do they realize the cause. Repeatedly buzzing a warship with simulated attack runs at almost deck level and what the Iranians did recently in the humiliation of our sailors is only two recent examples.

One person to blame for all of this.

Morale on that ship is in the gutter.

Navy officers are more concerned about their next promotion.... rather than their fellow sailors and doing the RIGHT thing. Sad but 100% true.

No way I would tolerate blatant instigation by Russian aircraft, even if it cost me my career. I got integrity and my fellow sailors would come first, not next rank promotion for my Ego boost and salary increase.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Navy officers are more concerned about their next promotion.... rather than their fellow sailors and doing the RIGHT thing. Sad but 100% true.


Not 100% true.

Some officers are as you describe. Many are not. Many are simply focused on taking care of their people and accomplishing the mission.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Read this about morale in the Navy. Lots of military officers (all branches) only concerned about next promotion.


What to you hope to get by your continued point-making?

The military is a huge thing. Some will be happy, some won't. You're not happy, but why drag others down with you?
Originally Posted By: d00df00d
Justified? Of course. Wise? Probably not.

Exactly. I think the Captain of the ship did the right thing. Hopefully there isn't a next time.
Amazing how nasty some people get toward our men and women in uniform just to rationalize some political hatred.

Almost can't decide what's more outrageous: that, or the fact that those same people are usually the loudest about their professions of patriotism.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Read this about morale in the Navy. Lots of military officers (all branches) only concerned about their next promotion. If that means ****ing on those under their command, do whatever it takes to self-promote. With forced downsizing of military it will only get worse.


Your source is the media. You've painted an entire group with a broad, and unfair, brush.

My source is my service in four command tours and two XO tours, my personal experience with my peers, my superiors, and my subordinates over my 29 years of service.

Be careful how you characterize me.

You're crossing a line here.
I like Y_K's assessment, post #4069655. It's really just a PR exercise. Problem is, people get ahold of stuff like this from the media who of course promote it for their own interests. Then all sorts of nonsense gets read into it so we can discuss on forums like this. Yay!!
Originally Posted By: Astro14
Be careful how you characterize me. You're crossing a line here.

I suspect Mr. Nice is/was a military malcontent of one sort or another.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Read this about morale in the Navy. Lots of military officers (all branches) only concerned about next promotion.


What to you hope to get by your continued point-making?

The military is a huge thing. Some will be happy, some won't. You're not happy, but why drag others down with you?

Telling the truth.

In the military you can't call out poor leadership like you can in the civilian world.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Read this about morale in the Navy. Lots of military officers (all branches) only concerned about next promotion.


What to you hope to get by your continued point-making?

The military is a huge thing. Some will be happy, some won't. You're not happy, but why drag others down with you?

Telling the truth.

In the military you can't call out poor leadership like you can in the civilian world.

You absolutely can call out poor leadership.

And poor leadership is held accountable. Simply Google "CO relieved" and you'll see all the ship's COs that the Navy has fired over the past several years. It's dozens.

Some deserved it.

Some didn't.

All a military commander needs to fire a person from their position of leadership is a loss of confidence in their ability to command.

That's it. No evidence. No process. You're fired.

The civilian world allows poor leadership to persist because of the fear of lawsuits and HR policies.

There is no comparison. The US military holds its leaders to a far higher standard than the rest of the world.

But you wouldn't know that from reading what passes as journalism these days. You would have to have some recent, relevant experience in the military...
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice

Morale on that ship is in the gutter.

Navy officers are more concerned about their next promotion.... rather than their fellow sailors and doing the RIGHT thing. Sad but 100% true.

No way I would tolerate blatant instigation by Russian aircraft, even if it cost me my career. I got integrity and my fellow sailors would come first, not next rank promotion for my Ego boost and salary increase.

fire at a russian airplane 80 miles of their coast, and your fellow sailors would be swimming home...

And that's only the beginning. It'll end with a 50 megaton hydrogen bomb exploding a few miles overhead.

The right thing to do is making sure everybody keeps his cool.

BTW, what happens when a russian naval ship comes close to US shores?
Originally Posted By: Jetronic

BTW, what happens when a russian naval ship comes close to US shores?

Yes, this is where the hypocrites show their stripes.
When and IF they answer that question.
Originally Posted By: CharlieBauer
Originally Posted By: Astro14
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice

Be careful how you characterize me.

You're crossing a line here.

Stay cool. He's just buzzing your flight deck.

"instapundit" says it all really.

Copy...so...I should stay cool, like the ship's CO?

Or I should shoot him down in flames...as Mr. Nice claimed he would do?

Oh, the irony...
I'm really impressed that things have remained so civil...
If only you could have this with all such threads, we would be able to discuss other important matters and not worry about having the threads locked....Thanks everyone for keeping this thread open and interesting.
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Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Read this about morale in the Navy. Lots of military officers (all branches) only concerned about next promotion.


What to you hope to get by your continued point-making?

The military is a huge thing. Some will be happy, some won't. You're not happy, but why drag others down with you?

Telling the truth.

In the military you can't call out poor leadership like you can in the civilian world.

Strongly disagree. The Navy can and will "fire" a CO, XO, CMC if a situation warrants it.
Originally Posted By: Astro14
Originally Posted By: Ded Mazai
They don't need facts. It is much easier to live without facts. And the fact is that American controlled Ukraine did not release flight dispatchers talks with the Malaysian airplane. Another fact - look at the flightradar24. How many airplanes fly over Ukraine now? None. All the flights now are over Russia. Why? Explain this yourself.

You're living in a fantasy land with this and your prior posts on this topic.

Keep believing what Putin tells you, Comrade, and you'll be OK.
We believe every word that Obama tells us ! We pretty much are no more than the little people,cannon fodder at best. We all follow orders.
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