What did Putin hope to accomplish?

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Ronald or George would of backed up the Navy if they fired warning shots at aircraft, all those tracer rounds would give the pilots a message. He would also call Russia (red phone in his office) to let them know we don't play games.

Again, all senior military officers are puppets and can't even fire a Glock at those aircraft. Sad but very true. If he ordered them to fired at both aircraft, within 2 days that Navy officer would be back in Washinton to explain why he gave that order. End of military career and article of him would be in NavyTimes.com
The risk of a nuclear exchange will exist as long as deployable nuclear weapons exist. My point was that you appeared to be implying that splashing a couple of Russian aircraft with crews begging for it would have increased that risk.
Yes, I am old enough to have memories of the Cold War as well as the many proxy wars it spawned. The state of the Russian arsenal is likely not very good, given the long decline of the Russian economy. My point was that Russia would not consider a first strike over a mere well-earned shoot-down.
WRT Turkey's actions, my point was that if Russia took no action other than verbal in response to Turkey, we could have given the Russians a little lesson in reality with no consequences.
Finally, Kerry should not have had to speak these words. Our costly and effective ship should have already spoken them, so to speak.
Originally Posted By: dparm
You can't kill someone (the pilot) for being annoying. Just sayin'.

Perfect answer.
We only desire to first-fire in times of war.....ie.... ISIS.

I have the utmost respect for the ship commander's resistance to counter the very close fly-bys.
Originally Posted By: Mr Nice
Navy officer in charge of ship doesn't have the balls to shoot at those aircraft for fear A Bozo would instantly end his long Navy career....

Just like those sailors held by Iran, they had zero back up by this terrible president. US Navy made to look like children given a 'time out'.

No Navy officer would risk their career without permission from a bozo in charge. All senior military officers are puppets..... they can't do anything without the big boss saying it's OK. Not even firing warning AAA to let Russian aircraft they are not gonna play games.
I feel the Russian Commander knew that or he would not have Ok`d the maneuver.
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They weren't begging for it. They were unarmed and did not lock on weapons systems. I would be very surprised if this didn't happen pretty frequently.

If this was the Iranians and armed, theyd be in the water.
It's a fun thing which happens all the time.

Pilots buzzing each other with news cameras rolling?

No, poisoned statesiders spouting their cheap-shot political views...ALWAYS in synch with party labels.

Tell me what you know about diplomacy and presidents oil filter buys! Your brains are filled with name-calling hatred.

Good Americans all. Kira
This exact type of thing does not happen all the time. Yes, occasional shadowing and close escorts of aircraft do happen....but NOT repeatedly buzzing a ship that was not breaking any international maritime laws. Those were meant to intimidate and send a message...as well as a way of probing. These pilots were directed to harass this ship specifically to show that Russia no longer has the fear or respect of our leadership. Same thing when the Iranians made a mockery of those sailors a few months ago.

There is ONE person to blame for all this.
Originally Posted By: skyactiv
We probably do the same thing.

We do. We launch fighter jets from Alaska air bases all the time and have them cross over into Russian airspace to gauge their defenses. As soon as the Russian MiGs are in the air, our boys come back. It's a game of cat and mouse. All in good fun.
Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
Originally Posted By: skyactiv
We probably do the same thing.

We do. We launch fighter jets from Alaska air bases all the time and have them cross over into Russian airspace to gauge their defenses. As soon as the Russian MiGs are in the air, our boys come back. It's a game of cat and mouse. All in good fun.

All due respect...what those Russian jets did was not even comparable. The U.S. warship WAS within it's rights to shoot those jets down. It was not a fun and game thing this time.
Originally Posted By: andrewg
All due respect...what those Russian jets did was not even comparable. The U.S. warship WAS within it's rights to shoot those jets down. It was not a fun and game thing this time.

The Skipper of the boat knew those were Russian aircraft and he knew they weren't gonna strike. It would have been very dumb to take countermeasures.
Putin was trying to start an incident. Then the Panama Papers would disappear into the noise.

Unfortunately for Putin we refused to give him what he wanted.
Originally Posted By: Gene K
Putin was trying to start an incident. Then the Panama Papers would disappear into the noise.

Unfortunately for Putin we refused to give him what he wanted.

For some that isn't acceptable, and we should start WW III.
Originally Posted By: Merkava_4
Originally Posted By: skyactiv
We probably do the same thing.

We do. We launch fighter jets from Alaska air bases all the time and have them cross over into Russian airspace to gauge their defenses. As soon as the Russian MiGs are in the air, our boys come back. It's a game of cat and mouse. All in good fun.

What were the blackbirds and U2s up to ?
Originally Posted By: Y_K
Originally Posted By: GiveMeAVowel
As far as the qualities you mention of Putin, you could say the SAME EXACT thing about George Bush Sr.

No, Bushes were not known bi-sexual paedophiles like Putin.. He is a Clinton with a secret police academy diploma

LOL...Google Gannon, Gukert, hillbillies, bohemian grove. (not all at once)

None of these people got to where the got by being "normal"
Bad news: morale in the US military is at an all time low and they are treated like Paul Blart in the movie Mall Cop.

Good news: the chief in charge is sending the musical group Village People to perform at military bases to help boost morale and show the world we really mean business

Senior military officers are puppets with empty nut sack....
Originally Posted By: GiveMeAVowel
Originally Posted By: skyactiv
We probably do the same thing.

Exactly, and I can almost promise you that if the US ship was in international waters they were right at the very edge of what is within Russia's territorial waters. So the US was baiting the Russians.

I respect Putin, he's hard nosed, and isn't afraid to do what is in the best interests of Russia, the globalists be [censored].

When a person is in absolute power for going on two decades and uses his country's Constitution as T.P. to stay in power you respect him for fighting the "good" fight against make believe boogeymen.

Makes a lot of sense.
Remember the Russin hero of the Cuban Missile Crisis. He was the man who had the courage to not retaliate when the U.S. navy dropped handgrenades on his submarine. The sub commander and many others on the sub thought that the explosions they heard were real depth charges, but fortunately, the Russian Admiral was on board the Sub and he stopped the subs commander from retaliating with a nuclear response.

Google Cuban Missile Crisis the man who saved the world.

It takes more courage to not escalate the situation.
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