Website to check links legitimacy?

Your way to determine if a link can be trusted is itself a link. Is that link trustworthy?
It appears to be a legitimate website according to Norton 360 and Firefox. If either do not trust a website I'll get a warning screen. No warning screen from either.
recently i ordered tyres from checked it on line said OK but NOT!! after about a month contacted chase Visa + got a full refund!! their price seemed to be too good + surely it was. not the first time + glad i use a chase visa!!!
I understand that but is the service they provide legitimate or accurate. Would you trust the results they give after entering a link to a website or page?
For this service to be truly legitimate, someone somewhere somehow has to be the one who decides what constitutes what in the world a "legitimate" link even is. Then they'd have to do that for the entirety of the internet. I don't know how, logistically or conceptually, anyone could do that.

I suppose I could see this service running a quick malware scan, or running the URL against a database of known scam sites; but I am pretty sure that most browsers have that same protection, built-in, working in real-time.

EDIT: Their tag line is "Analyse suspicious files, domains, IPs and URLs to detect malware and other breaches, automatically share them with the security community." I guess that's useful in some way; but in no way, shape or form would I a) take time to check a URL before clicking on it, nor b) consider this to be a reason to take my foot off the gas pedal when it comes to exercising common sense.
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