VW workers in Tennessee vote to join UAW in historic win for Detroit union

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Jul 26, 2020

VW workers in Tennessee vote to join UAW in historic win for Detroit union​

“ Union organizing passed with 73% of the vote, or 2,628 workers, in support for the UAW, according to the National Labor Relations Board, which oversaw the election. A total of roughly 3,620, or about 84%, of the 4,326 eligible VW workers voted in the election, the NLRB said. Seven ballots were challenged and three others were voided. “

I’m not surprised they voted for a union. Workers want better pay, benefits, retirement and bumping rights with their seniority.
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All of my local food joint workers wanted better pay too. Now they have no job.... 😓


While not intentional, that is most often the final outcome of what happens when labor unions get anchored in and take over. They end up producing the highest paid unemployed workers in the area.

Just ask the auto workers in Detroit, the aircraft workers in Southern California, or the steel workers in Indiana. Why do they think VW chose to locate themselves in Tennessee in the first place?

VW workers in Tennessee vote to join UAW in historic win for Detroit union​

“ Union organizing passed with 73% of the vote, or 2,628 workers, in support for the UAW, according to the National Labor Relations Board, which oversaw the election. A total of roughly 3,620, or about 84%, of the 4,326 eligible VW workers voted in the election, the NLRB said. Seven ballots were challenged and three others were voided. “

I’m not surprised they voted for a union. Workers want better pay, benefits, retirement and bumping rights with their seniority.
I thought that the non-union plants were supposedly great pay and better than average benefits to keep the unions out?
I thought that the non-union plants were supposedly great pay and better than average benefits to keep the unions out?

Labor unions are a lot like sex, drugs, and alcohol. Just because a little is good, it doesn't mean more is better, and too much is just enough. Unfortunately, over time, labor unions always seem to become abused in much the same manner as the other 3.
I thought they already were unionized.

Pretty sure they are in Germany at least...

IG Metall

In Europe, Volkswagen workers unionize through IG Metall, Europe's largest industrial union representing 2.2 million workers, and its works council. These councils are unique even in the more union-friendly hub of Europe.Mar 26, 2024
I thought that the non-union plants were supposedly great pay and better than average benefits to keep the unions out?
When the non-union plants opened in Tennessee etc...they provided much needed jobs at decent pay and benefits which were lacking in those areas.

Do the UAW leaders still receive pay from the car manufacturers or are they paid entirely by union dues?
I'm not pro or anti union. Clearly, my favorite trucks, the F150 were union built, (and until recently) priced properly and of great quality. Another side are the necessary pilot's unions, without them, both booming and struggling airlines would run their crews into the ground, both figuratively and literally.

However, in the end, I'm not at all sure the overall benefit of collectivization ever comes close to meeting it's promise.
Does anybody know if the UAW bosses like Fain get paid by union dues or by the car manufacturers or both. I know in some 'public sector' unions the union bigs receive their salary (despite working full time for the union) and a big stipend/salary from the union (paid by union dues).
Workers do the work. Workers should have a say in how they are treated and compensated. Unions fought for what U.S workers enjoy today. Workers were beaten and died for representation. What was won can be taken away.
VW plants were almost exclusively unionized so this isn't a big surprise.
I just read that the Mercedes plant in Tuscaloosa, Al, is voting next month on whether to unionize or not.
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