Vehicle Maintenance Spreadsheet

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Feb 12, 2008
Does anyone know of a simple downloadable spreadsheet out there?

Jim C
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I went to Microsoft's website under the template section and typed in Vehicle Maintenance Spreadsheet. I have them edit to meet my requirements. Send me a PM and I can send you what I got. If you don't feel confident that you can find it on Microsoft's website.
There is something to be said for keeping the maintenance info in the car and not on your computer. If you need the log when traveling, and so that it is right there when you are actually doing the maintenance and so forth.

Also a hard-copy, hand-written log has a lot of credibility at resale time or to back up your case on a parts warranty dispute, etc. A spreadsheet, even if you print it out, doesn't have the same weight and could easily be faked.

Originally Posted By: glennc
Also a hard-copy, hand-written log has a lot of credibility at resale time or to back up your case on a parts warranty dispute, etc. A spreadsheet, even if you print it out, doesn't have the same weight and could easily be faked.


a hand written log can be faked just as easily as a printed one. I keep my maintenance in an excel spreadsheet.
I use an Excel spreadsheet as well. I gave the previous owner a copy of it when I sold my 99 Odyssey, he was in heaven.
I created an Excel spreadsheet that has 3 tabs on it... 1 tab is a maintenance log, tab 2 is fuel economy input, tab 3 is a graph of fuel economy.

Email me if you'd like it. bamorris2 at
Originally Posted By: cjg1999
a hand written log can be faked just as easily as a printed one.
The reason it can't is that by the time a hand-written log has been around as long as the car there are so many obvious signs of its age you'd need a Hollywood props department to fake it.
You could try Google Docs, if you don't want to buy something. I know its not a full sized full function spreadsheet but you can always check it out. If you don't have MS Office, you can always use Open Office.
Originally Posted By: Ed_T
If you've kept the receipts to back up the spreadsheet, what's the problem?
Receipts always help. A spreadsheet is fine. You can still take out bad stuff, make those "accidental" long intervals look a little closer together, etc with a spreadsheet - IF you were the type of person to do that. I'm just pointing out that there are a couple of advantages to an old-school hand-written log that stays in the car.
PM me and I'll send you mine I use for my subaru. I track and log most everything and I thin kyou might find it useful.
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