Remember... the guy running the Postal service, used to run one of the trucking fleets they use... early on one of his changes was that the trucks HAD to leave their Distribution centers ON TIME. loaded, or not.
if that truck is supposed to leave Sheboygan at 12:30 bound for Frostbite Falls, by god it better be rolling at 12:30. doesn't matter if half the load is still sitting on the Dock...
that and their DRASTIC consolidation of Sorting centers over the past 15 or so years...
we used to have one here locally, handled all the 458xx Zipcodes.
that got shut down, Consolidate the state down to 3-4 total centers, and our mail went through Toledo.
year or 2 later, they consolidated AGAIN, and now Pretty much ALL mail for the entire State of OH, goes through Columbus for Sorting.
if I mail a card to my Neighbor, it goes on a 200+ mi round trip.
i can't even begin to tally all the packages i've had say "Out for Delivery", and then they don't even deliver our route that day, we get both days mail the next Day.