Underprepared for Halloween

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Aug 30, 2007
Bonnyville, AB
I think I may have just got roped into going to a Halloween party by a girl, and considering I have not done anything for it since I was nine, I lack a costume.

Anybody have a good idea for something I can construct that isn't a total disaster between now and about 8 pm on Saturday night?

(By the way, don't say "go as yourself and say you are wearing a serial killer costume." That stuff doesn't play all that well in real life.)
Originally Posted By: MGregoir
I think I may have just got roped into going to a Halloween party by a girl, and considering I have not done anything for it since I was nine, I lack a costume.

Anybody have a good idea for something I can construct that isn't a total disaster between now and about 8 pm on Saturday night?

(By the way, don't say "go as yourself and say you are wearing a serial killer costume." That stuff doesn't play all that well in real life.)

Not unless you're as cute as Christina Ricci, no.

You could always rent a tuxedo and put a name tag on: "James Bond, 007." Even without the name tag, you'll be the best-dressed person there.
Originally Posted By: NJC
Thrift store!

Grab a bunch of dusty 80's overcoats and say you are a hobo. I bet it would the most accurate costume there!
Super traditional, but vampires are big again this year with the 'Twilight' series being so popular. Don't feel as though you have to get super creative and go all out. Just head to the costume store and pick something up. If all else fails, go as "The Crow" (90's movie)(easy costume - some face paint, a black trench coat and some black clothes)
Go opposite yourself. If you're a jeans & t-shirt type wear a suit and tie and say you're Bernie Madoff. Girls dig suits anyway.

I'm going as Billy Mays, magic marker beard & mustache and I'm going to YELL everything I say.
Just going to a dinner party at my brother's. A cousin is visiting from the west coast. No Halloweenishness involved. My retreat location, doesnt get visited anyway.
Originally Posted By: eljefino
Go opposite yourself. If you're a jeans & t-shirt type wear a suit and tie and say you're Bernie Madoff. Girls dig suits anyway.

I'm going as Billy Mays, magic marker beard & mustache and I'm going to YELL everything I say.

Ha! I am going as Billy Mays too, but I just have to color my beard black...gonna do the arm hair and everything. haha.
Originally Posted By: eljefino

I'm going as Billy Mays, magic marker beard & mustache and I'm going to YELL everything I say.

Originally Posted By: MGregoir
I think I may have just got roped into going to a Halloween party by a girl, and considering I have not done anything for it since I was nine, I lack a costume.

Stop the suspense. What is/was your costume?
Originally Posted By: CharlieJ
Originally Posted By: NJC
Thrift store!

Grab a bunch of dusty 80's overcoats and say you are a hobo. I bet it would the most accurate costume there!

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