Uncle Softy's Welfare Garage, Episode 11

Apr 1, 2020
Pacific Northwest
So I get a text from my brother saying his kid over heated his 96 Rodeo and could I take a look?

Short story shorter... Its towed to my house, I found a heater hose with a small hole that sprayed coolant over the distributer. I slapped a new hose on it, filled it up with water only to see a geyser from the radiator when I tried to start it. Oh, boy. I pull the plugs and they're all wet. Crank it over and get a spray of coolant out of one or more plug holes.

Question... having never owned a 2.6 powered Isuzu, what are my odds of finding a cracked head if I tear into it?
Dang he didn't just blow it up halfway
My friend had a 4.0 jeep and overheated it. It ran fine, no smoke, it just would geyser all the coolant out
Just a follow up... I pulled the head and it is junk. No cracks in the head or block that it could see, but it's the worst warpage I remember. Twenty four thousanths of an inch between cylinders two and three. Since it's an overhead cam engine you can't just mill it flat as the cam journals would then be out of true when you bolted in on.

My nephew already bought a RAV 4 so I'm pretty sure we'll be sending it off to be turned into soup cans.