Trash bag size confusion... Is it really this difficult?

Is this a shop trash can or a kitchen trash can? I'm not sure why a shop trash can needs a liner. Just take to the transfer station and empty (or kick to the curb?). Kitchen trash, I'd err on the side of a smaller can so that it can changed more often. Then those closed up bags can be tossed into a larger can as necessary, but preferably with a lid.
Is this a shop trash can or a kitchen trash can? I'm not sure why a shop trash can needs a liner. Just take to the transfer station and empty (or kick to the curb?). Kitchen trash, I'd err on the side of a smaller can so that it can changed more often. Then those closed up bags can be tossed into a larger can as necessary, but preferably with a lid.
I just received a standard "55 gallon drum" for my shop
I want a liner because the 55 gallon drum is almost brand new. I'd like to keep it that way. Plus, I don't want to carry the drum's weight AND the 55 gallons of trash weight to empty it.
I want a liner because the 55 gallon drum is almost brand new. I'd like to keep it that way. Plus, I don't want to carry the drum's weight AND the 55 gallons of trash weight to empty it.
Fair enough.

I wonder if you could put a smaller trashcan inside, and find a "funnel" like apparatus to sit on top of it. That way you can toss stuff in, but it'll slide into the smaller can. Then when full, pop the funnel, and remove a much smaller bag of trash.
Fair enough.

I wonder if you could put a smaller trashcan inside, and find a "funnel" like apparatus to sit on top of it. That way you can toss stuff in, but it'll slide into the smaller can. Then when full, pop the funnel, and remove a much smaller bag of trash.
Now this actually is interesting. It defeats the purpose by a large margin, but it intrigues me nonetheless. I still keep the drum for decor purposes, and I get to use smaller, cheaper, and thicker bags/liners. The only thing I have against this idea is that I'd need another can, which I don't want to buy. If I bought another can, this whole thread would be irrelevant because I'd buy a smaller size specifically to use a proper bag.

I'll think this idea over for a few days and see where it goes. If I can get one for free, it would be a game changer.
I've gotta say...I feel the OP's pain...this is one of those things in life that just doesn't make a lot of sense and seems almost arbitrary. I just know when I find something that works for a given can I try to etch it into memory and just buy the same thing over and over. I've never tried to do the math like OP, and probably a good thing 'cause smoke already escapes my ears daily as the gears grind slowly and laboriously up there....
That logic does not apply (I think) to the round bottom drum liner bags I linked to above.

Probably does to straight bottom liners:
That's some cool stuff. How did they make a "round bottom" plastic bag without any seal? It is almost like they are using something that should be flat and then balloon it up to a shape of a certain size. This is typically less efficient than just pinching and sealing the bottom of a flat plastic bag. It does have a benefit of no seam to leak from however.

Is it really $384 for 50 liners? For that price I would never use it, ever.
Since this thread loves being necroed, which is a low IQ thing to do for someone claiming my IQ is questionable...

I did 'just go buy 55 gallon drum liners' and called it a day. But exactly as I predicted, it gets incredibly heavy (auto parts), and I still intend to build a spacer like I stated to help curb the issue. The easier answer is to change it less than full, but it doesn't always happen because I'm not the one filling it.
Kinda like buying house slippers. They are either WAY to big or WAY to small. If ain't friggin' rocket science.