Thread for photos that 100% do not violate any Terms Of Service, not political, not too lewd, no gas price pics etc.

I was going through some old photos and videos and found some old stuff I hadn't looked at in a while. The two that stood out:

A Thunderbirds clip from an airshow that I volunteered at a while back.

A picture of my dog back when she was just about three months old or so.
Exactly. He has costed the shop tons of money since he started in November. He blew up a Tundra when he first started that was over a 100 mile tow to bring it back. Then the three in the last month and this one. The other day he was talking about how he needed a raise and advancement to which I had to laugh at.
Good to know, I'll be steering clear of Toyota dealerships in the greater Roanoke area :oops: