Thread for photos that 100% do not violate any Terms Of Service, not political, not too lewd, no gas price pics etc.

Have been charging this out of the car for 12 1/2 years. It no longer holds a charge so took it back for a $15 core credit (normally I buy a new battery, pay the core, and keep the old battery to power an inverter)

Seen a neat tree off the ice age trail at the Milton Wi. area of the 1200 mile long trail. In spite of 2 partial knees I am down 20 lbs doing min.of 5 mi hikes although one was 9 the hills are numerous.Still have 2 beers average nightly.Came close to buying new pants.View attachment 209135View attachment 209136View attachment 209137
I have a huge white oak and a hickory that had branches ripped off sometime ago before me, at least 50 years ago. Both had gaping openings where branches were ripped off. I suspect a tornado as there are also signs of past decayed tree stumps in the area. But both have almost all healed up. The hickory I would never have expected to stay up and alive. Quite the strong tree.