Thread for photos that 100% do not violate any Terms Of Service, not political, not too lewd, no gas price pics etc.

A friend gave away some tiles for free. I didn't exactly realize how many there were. So the little Accent got a workout, for next 45 miles. Did great though. Ride was bouncy, but somehow never even touched the bumpstops, when I honestly expected to ride on bumpstops the whole way. The rear did feel a little tail-happy, so I kept it under 65MPH. Good job Hyundai.
Headless driver says "Hi".
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Here is what the little Hyundai carried in that^ post. See jack for comparison. Doesn't look like much, but it was hefty...
My back and arms are complaining more about loading/unloading than the Hyundai did about carrying this stuff... Still surprised to never smell the clutch or brakes on that trip.
The little Hyundai that could.

Maybe I should splurge on a hitch and small trailer for it. 🤔
Grizzly on Trail near Chilkoot River, Haines AK, 1993
We had just completed a short raft trip on the Chilkoot River looking for mating and nesting eagles when someone suggested a short hike along a nearby trail. I walked apart from the small group and found a place to sit and enjoy the quiet while the others went further along the trail. The bear appeared in a clearing about 50-75 yards from me, and I was able to grab a couple of shots before the bear disappeared into the trees. Over the years I've run into three bears in the wild, but this was my first Grizzly.
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Are you saying you took this picture?
Yesterday's trip down the coast had a hard side that I didn't want to show together with my other pictures. Think of it as compartmentalization. we had spent some time at Bean Hollow State Beac and then drove south for a few minutes to Pigeon Point. There we turned around and went back on 1. Just before we reached Bean Hollow traffic was stopped in both directions due to an accident.

Please, no thumbs up on pictures of an accident with fatalities.

That's ca 9 minutes after the accident was reported. Firefighters from Pescadero, which is just 5 minutes away, were already there. Bean Hollow is to the left where the farthest vehicle to the left can be seen. That's where the beach parking is. The lagoon is across the street to the right.

This is the lagoon seen from a road that we took to circumnavigate the scene because Hw1 1 had been closed in both directions. You can see the Subaru sitting in the water with rescuers around it. The other vehicle was completely submerged and I don't think anyone knew where to look. They had divers en route. 2 people dead and one survivor.