The Three Stooges - oil related

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Feb 1, 2011
Our local station is running a series of Three Stooges episodes to welcome the new year.

One episode, "Violent is the Word for Curly", shows an "Acme" gas station with the boys working as attendants. In it they accidentally blow up three "professors."

In the background you can see Gargoyle MobilOil signs and an oil dispenser for MobilOil Arctic.

Just thought it was interesting what you see in the background - and what "full service" really meant.

Happy New Year everyone!
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I received the Three Stooges Ultimate Collection for Christmas and have been watching them back to back. I saw that episode a few days ago. I thought it was interesting to see the gargoyle and the flying pegasus as well as all of the old cars. I watched these guys growing up, but nothing like seeing them digitally restored and in order. They were so under appreciated and under paid--comic geniuses.
Woob woob woob!

And the obligatory:

Hello, HNY. I totally agree FX4. As much as I appreciate the 3 Stooges you gotta mention Buster Keaton too. While not to be compared to the 3 Stooges directly; for he was a single performer who worked in silent film, he put out high level physicality and consistency of drama which simply shouldn't be overshadowed by the effects of later era editing and sound effects.

Just had to go to bat for my man. Kira
There's another short where they argue over "Ethyl" gas and how their car runs better on "Maybel", probably a joke that was rehashed 1000s of ways back then.

They patch a tire with a balogna, while Curly tries to eat a rubber patch in a sandwich. Both are successful, though a dog comes and eats the patch, thereby re-flattening the tire.
The tire patch one also has this exchange:

Moe and Larry are helping Curly remove his pull over sweater by shoving a couple of tire irons from underneath up through the neck hole.

Larry: Ha Ha...looks like a V8.

Moe: Ever hear of a V5?

Larry: What's that? A new car?

Moe: No. It's an old sock. SLAP.
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