The Imitation Game

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Dec 18, 2014
San Francisco, CA
I finally got around to watching this movie, which came out last November. It's still in theaters. The movie is based on Alan Turing's biography and deals mostly with his project at Bletchley Park, breaking the German Enigma codes. It is pretty good with very good performances.

There were some programs on PBS dealing with the same topic, among them Nova's World War II: Mind of a Code Breaker, which can be found on youtube.

a Brilliant man, whose work saved countless lives, and in the end is rewarded with imprisonment, and state sanctioned Chemical Castration (Simply for being [censored] in mid-century Britain)
Originally Posted By: earlyre
a Brilliant man, whose work saved countless lives, and in the end is rewarded with imprisonment, and state sanctioned Chemical Castration (Simply for being [censored] in mid-century Britain)

All that is being addressed in the movie.

On the same subject, Bob Flowers, who devised and built Ultra - the computer that was instrumental in breaking the codes - on his own dime and in his own time, merely had his expenses repaid to him, and only years later.

Sadly history is littered with people who never got the recognition they deserved.

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I hadn't heard of the movie until now. Thanks for the info, I might check it out at some point.
Hello, I read "The Ultra Secret" decades ago when my Dad handed it to me.
A while back I read "The Lives of the Codebreakers at Bletchley Park".
The movie then came out.
Thanks for the reminder. I want to see it. Kira
This is coming out Mar 31 on Redbox.

Just watched Hunger Games Mockingjay in our home cinema. Nice movie for the whole family. Very good quality blu-ray.
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