"If you take your car into a shop for an oil change, you don't know what idiot is going to end up working in it. If you do it yourself, you know for sure!"
-- Red Green
-- Red Green
OMG...so much this! All of it.Some people like to point out that I enjoy working on cars. I correct them by telling them that I don't enjoy working on cars. What I do enjoy is saving money and the satisfaction of having the job done right. If I enjoyed it, I'd be soliciting work on other people's cars. Otherwise I'd rather be parked in front of my television.
Returning home for a holiday, I gave Pop's Buick Regal an oil change.My Dad used to take me for granted.
I know this thread is from 2009 but I might have to snag this quote, sums things up for me quite well.Originally Posted By: Vilan
"If you take your car into a shop for an oil change, you don't know what idiot is going to end up working in it. If you do it yourself, you know for sure!"
-- Red Green
DIY in England has an entirely different meaning than we have. To define it for you would get me kicked off the forums
Green Red...........even mo funny!Red Green...........funny.