The dumbest stunt I have seen

His transmission broke and only has reverse. The guy filming while driving is more of a hazard and should get a ticket as well.
You mean that mighty 35 year old ford AOD isn’t an anvil of reliability? Or maybe he was trying to roll back the odometer lol
This is inexcusably stupid and a danger to everyone else on the road.
Guy should be cited for reckless op and get a nice suspension.
Maybe while his truck has no tags and can't be driven he'll either fix the tranny or find a serviceable one in a yard.
Nope, he is on the interstate.

I think that Kira is asking, why couldn't this gut have taken local roads, instead of the interstate?

Sorry, but there is no valid excuse for this. Let's say you are right, and the truck has transmission issues, so there is only reverse. And he is driving an older truck because he can't afford anything newer. None of that is an excuse to operate a motor vehicle unsafely, particularly when you are putting the safety of others at risk.
This is inexcusably stupid and a danger to everyone else on the road.
Guy should be cited for reckless op and get a nice suspension.
Maybe while his truck has no tags and can't be driven he'll either fix the tranny or find a serviceable one in a yard.
My guess is that his license is already suspended, and the tags are expired.
My guess is that his license is already suspended, and the tags are expired.
The question crossed my mind, had he given any thought to the likelihood of success, in arriving to his intended destination, without getting in an accident, or at the very least, drawing the attention of law enforcement? But then, as I read your post, I kind of doubt that someone who is making decisions like described above, would even give any thought to things like consequences.
They did say the video was sped up. Speaking from experience, anything over about 20-25 in reverse and the steering starts to get REALLY touchy since it’s like a forklift at that point.

A mid 90s Dodge Caravan can get going pretty good in reverse. Speed, combined with soft suspension, a higher center of gravity, and 16 year old drivers…things got interesting.