The CRISPR machine that can wipe out entire species

Originally Posted by Leo99
This does present some ethical questions. Doth man go where God reigns?

That's kind of a religion thing.

It does raise some ethical questions though. I think the answer is going to be to go ahead, man has wiped out other species accidentally, why not do it on purpose.

It's all DNA anyway.
"Nature" has wiped out more species "accidentally"
Originally Posted by andyd
Before that, around 220 MYA was the Permian Extinction. That killed off more than that many species. What 's your point ?

It's not an undistributed evolution over the last 4.5 billion years. There were several resets along the way. This could just be another one. Plus in about 5 billion years, the sun will turn into a red giant so the time on earth is finite.Every day we are alive is one day closer to the end .
You guys need to Netflix and chill.

CRISPR is just a tool, like fire, like antibiotics, like vaccines, like houses, like sewage, like flushing toilets. We will survive and we will have FDA to deal with it like we deal with those clinical trials of cancer drugs. If anything the "you know what" we are going through right now is preparing us for the zombie apocalypse that CRISPR will come with, and we will be ready because we are having a fire drill of it right now.
You guys need to Netflix and chill.

CRISPR is just a tool, like fire, like antibiotics, like vaccines, like houses, like sewage, like flushing toilets. We will survive and we will have FDA to deal with it like we deal with those clinical trials of cancer drugs. If anything the "you know what" we are going through right now is preparing us for the zombie apocalypse that CRISPR will come with, and we will be ready because we are having a fire drill of it right now.
I don't think you realize you can buy a CRISPR rig now and basically do your own gene editing in your basement and the FDA has nothing to do with it.

And the versions of mosquitoes that carry diseases to humans and there animals.

I read something years ago that there were some scientist who figured a way to wipe out those mosquitoes and they put out the idea to be reviewed and it was turned down.
It's still in the works. They've already been released in a few other areas.

The advance of genetic science has been breathtaking in its speed. It wasn't many years ago when the entire genome was decoded. If you are willing to travel to the Ukraine you can custom design your children now. Want a good basketball player but you are short and sickly. Buy some Lebron DNA and bring your checkbook.
I don't think you realize you can buy a CRISPR rig now and basically do your own gene editing in your basement and the FDA has nothing to do with it.

You'd think they would've learned after all the human extinctions following toy nuclear reactor kits not to make toy CRISPR kits.


Ahhh the hubris of man to think toys aren't the end of life as we know it......