Staying logged in

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I started having problems with it today. Hadn't been on in awhile, had to log-in when I first got here, chose remember me on next visit. I went about 4-5 pages thru the 20 pages of active topics past 24hrs & on trying to go to the next page got "you are not logged in". Has happened multiple times today.
One time after getting "you are not logged in", I logged in, got the welcome bama in upper right hand of screen & then got "you are not logged in" when I clicked active topics.

Sure not as much fun as usual with it acting this way. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Originally Posted By: wwillson
Our web developer says it can be a problem, if you don't clean your browser cache.

Actually, if your cache cleaning routine includes clearing cookies, then you will be forced to re-log in afterwards.
Originally Posted By: Bama
I started having problems with it today. Hadn't been on in awhile, had to log-in when I first got here, chose remember me on next visit. I went about 4-5 pages thru the 20 pages of active topics past 24hrs & on trying to go to the next page got "you are not logged in". Has happened multiple times today.
One time after getting "you are not logged in", I logged in, got the welcome bama in upper right hand of screen & then got "you are not logged in" when I clicked active topics.

Sure not as much fun as usual with it acting this way. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

What browser and which Windows are you running?
Originally Posted By: wwillson
We changed the cookie expiration time to one week, which means you'll have to log back in after that time period.

Are the problems with staying logged in happening more frequently than one week?


just curious, why was the change made?
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