The had a high profile arrest at a Starbucks a few years ago of a couple of people who hadn't bought anything but also weren't being disruptive. They made it an "open door" policy where they weren't going to stop people who hadn't purchased anything, but apparently that's created issues. Personally it sounds more like an issue with mental illness, but I've seen police brought in to places to help eject people who either weren't paying customers or who had stayed too long after making a nominal purchase. I'll admit to staying at a McDonald's for more than the limit on a sign, but for the most part they weren't interested in kicking me out. I've seen people who are obviously there for hours who don't look homeless, and are just nursing a cup of coffee for that time.
I'm not a Starbucks fan, but I've been to one before on a business meeting held in a public place.
But here's one article on this:

I'm not a Starbucks fan, but I've been to one before on a business meeting held in a public place.
But here's one article on this:
Hanging out at Starbucks will cost you as company reverses its open-door policy
If you want to hang out or use the restroom at Starbucks, you’re going to have to buy something. Starbucks on Monday said it was reversing a long-standing policy that invited everyone into its stores.