The cycle continues. Prices are now dropping as companies have pushed as much as they could.

Don't visit the SE USA, you'll be spoiled. I paid $3.15 for diesel this morning. 87 octane gas was $3.10
Inflation is one thing, but the prices have almost exactly doubled from 3 years ago on a lot of consumer items. Anyone who doesn't see it is out of touch with reality. I mean I posted in the lawn and garden section about replacing the engine on my grandfather's zero turn mower. I had price quotes from the year before because he had just started to think about replacing it back then. The price from the same company I ordered from (still the cheapest) had almost exactly doubled, and the shipping had almost tripled.

The old guy on TV wearing Pampers says to ignore the inflation. ☹️

Inflation hurting 90% of the folks in the USA.

Top 10% don’t worry about inflation.
Come on, if you are going to make a statement, say something to back it up.
I think my original statement still gets my original point across for my intended purpose. This entire thread is about the consumers getting screwed. So because you insist. The high gas prices of today are just yet another contributing factor of our high consumer prices. (high fuel prices = high transport costs = higher consumer prices)

As for the Covid comment. Gasoline is up 47% since the month prior to Covid starting. $2.442/gallon on average in the US in February 2020. Now, we are at $3.603 as a national average as of last month. The high gas prices of today are just one component of the full picture; don’t get tricked into thinking you’re getting a “bargain” on one good while getting screwed through inflation and shrinkflation on all of your other goods.

PS Thanks bullwinkle. I glad someone gets the reference; I thought I was being obvious enough.
Guess you don't remember covid. Crude oil prices april 2020 $21.40, nov 2020 $42.30, may 2024 $81.44
In 2022 when gas and diesel was $5+ and companies tacked on fuel surcharge didn't hear anything about inflation. Companies that made multible stops a day made a killing.
I’m glad you are happy with what you feel is “cheap gas”.
Out of 42 barrel of crude oil 19-20 gallons of gasoline 11-12 gallons of diesel. With all these chemicals added. Have you looked at any chemical prices. Paint thinner to motor oil to pvc pipe. Wages have gone up along with everything else. Where you work or worked what increase has the product risen? Over 13million barrels a day pumped from the USA Number 1 nation in the world. We don't set the price of crude the world oil market does.