According to LSJ Sodium detergent at any amount and Calcium detergent over about 1500 PPM is a big nono for LSPI. Since the oil I have and want to use in my coming ecotec LFV 1.5 tgdi has around 2000 ppm calcium detergent, I went and looked at dexos1g3 approved oils, and Ravenol has their DXG 5W-30 that I like. But i looked up an oil analysis and it contains calcium detergent at about 2000 PPM aswell, AND 400 PPM of sodium.
ZDDP and Moly are considered quenchers, but neiher are used in particularly high amounts.
The only thing I can, think of that would help such an oil pass any LSPI test is low Noack, and relatively high viscosity. Both would help reduce the presence of oil in the combustion chamber. Am I missing something though?
The oil I have has lower Noack, same-ish viscosity, about double moly and nearly 1000 ppm ZDDP, no sodium and the same calcium concentration. But it would never be tested for LSPI....
ZDDP and Moly are considered quenchers, but neiher are used in particularly high amounts.
The only thing I can, think of that would help such an oil pass any LSPI test is low Noack, and relatively high viscosity. Both would help reduce the presence of oil in the combustion chamber. Am I missing something though?
The oil I have has lower Noack, same-ish viscosity, about double moly and nearly 1000 ppm ZDDP, no sodium and the same calcium concentration. But it would never be tested for LSPI....