Sam Bankman Fried 25 year sentence - did parents advise to show no remorse?

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$100 Site Donor 2024
Nov 28, 2014
Steilacoom, WA
Yesterday, Sam Bankman Fried was sentenced to 25 years in jail for fraud in excess of. 500 million dollars. Some have stated his fraud maybe have been the largest in US history.

Many thought Sam would get a 100+ year sentence. Sam lied under oath and tampered with witnesses. Sam will likely be let out of jail before he turns 40.

Sam showed no remorse for his actions, as noted by the judge. Sam had the best legal team money could buy. In addition, both of his parents are law professors at top law schools.

So why didn't Sam show remorse? He never admitted criminal guilt. I speculate his Parents advised him not to show remorse..I am.not sure why they likely advised him that way, but I am sure there is a legal reason.

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To be fair, I dont think anybody with that amount of money has ever had a look of remorse when they were caught.

Good point. Elizbeth Holmes showed no remorse at all during her prosecution and conviction. Neither did Martin Shkrili, when he was convicted of securities fraud related to his pharmaceutical company. But then, neither of them got a 50 year sentence.
Money on that level does something to the brain. There are many types of psychopaths that inhabit all forms of business and government.
Outside of generating capital, the guy is worthless POS. He showed no remorse (As do many of these types) because in his mind, he did no wrong.

25-years??? Our judicial system is a joke and broken. If any middle class fold embezzled funds or committed a financial crime, you bet they would receive way more than 25 years. Bankman and Madoff are in a class all by their own. Madoff was sentenced to 150 years... Goes to show you... these judges have Deeeeep pockets.
Money on that level does something to the brain. There are many types of psychopaths that inhabit all forms of business and government.
Outside of generating capital, the guy is worthless POS. He showed no remorse (As do many of these types) because in his mind, he did no wrong.

25-years??? Our judicial system is a joke and broken. If any middle class fold embezzled funds or committed a financial crime, you bet they would receive way more than 25 years. Bankman and Madoff are in a class all by their own. Madoff was sentenced to 150 years... Goes to show you... these judges have Deeeeep pockets.
I suspect there may be something to this. I also think some of these high end white collar criminals think they are way, way smarter than all those in the system that is prosecuting them. Smarter than the judge, the prosecutor, even their own lawyer. And to the very end they think their superior intellect will be what gets them out of all this.

It is curious that, with parents that are well educated and experienced in the law, would there be some tactical reason to not show remorse? Is it a belief that an innocent person would have no reason to feel remorse? That seems like it would be quite the long shot.
25 years is a long time, whether I think the boy should have gotten more or not although he might end up doing much less time.
By comparison, in this state murder brings a minimum before parole eligibility of 15 years although the sentence is 15 to life and few offenders get paroled at their first eligible date.
One aspect of winning parole is that the offender must own the offense and must express remorse.
The families of the victim are also allowed input and generally vehemently oppose parole for the offender.
I suspect there may be something to this. I also think some of these high end white collar criminals think they are way, way smarter than all those in the system that is prosecuting them. Smarter than the judge, the prosecutor, even their own lawyer. And to the very end they think their superior intellect will be what gets them out of all this.

It is curious that, with parents that are well educated and experienced in the law, would there be some tactical reason to not show remorse? Is it a belief that an innocent person would have no reason to feel remorse? That seems like it would be quite the long shot.
I am not sure they think they are smarter, but they do seem to think laws do no apply to them. And they tend to have a point.
Yesterday, Sam Bankman Fried was sentenced to 25 years in jail for fraud in excess of. 500 million dollars. Some have stated his fraud maybe have been the largest in US history.

Many thought Sam would get a 100+ year sentence. Sam lied under oath and tampered with witnesses. Sam will likely be let out of jail before he turns 40.

Sam showed no remorse for his actions, as noted by the judge. Sam had the best legal team money could buy. In addition, both of his parents are law professors at top law schools.

So why didn't Sam show remorse? He never admitted criminal guilt. I speculate his Parents advised him not to show remorse..I am.not sure why they likely advised him that way, but I am sure there is a legal reason.

Sam is on the spectrum (Autism).
not able to show guilt? doubt it.
It's means it's highly unlikely.

It's means it's highly unlikely.

I really hope this could not be used as a defense to a crime in any court?

Reminds me of the old joke "defendant asks for compassion as he is now an orphan" Judge " because he murdered his parents!"
So I am not that knowledgeable of the federal system. I know some crimes you can get parole as early as 1/3 of the term? Is this one of those crimes? I presume - since it was non violent?

So he serves 8 and 1/3 and is out. He likely has $100M stashed somewhere. The parole board will be bought and paid for.

Thats why Maddoff got 150 years, even though he was old.

So why show remorse, crime paid?
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