I've been running Shell Rotella T synthetic 5w40 for a number of months in my '86 4runner and have been getting a consistent 25mpg (2.5% less corrected for tire size/wear, so 24.4mpg). A few weeks ago, I switched to M1 10w30. Fuel economy dropped 5% to 23.8mpg, at least over the first few tanks. I'm using the exact same gas (Chevron 91, additive was switched from ethanol to mtbe in sept, but I was still running rotella then and was still getting 25mpg), driving the exact same routes to work, temp's are pretty much the same, a tad cooler (temps around 80/50F rather than 85-90/60F, So. AZ). Nothing else had been changed. The only explanation I can come up with is M1 10w30 has more friction than Shell Rotella T synthetic 5w40. BTW, with M1 Delvac 5w40, I was getting about 24.1-24.5 mpg, so the Rotella is still the mileage champ.