Reply by Mystic

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Mar 5, 2003
For some reason I can't reply to oilpants who posted that he was really happy with his Mac. So I will reply here.

I am happy that he likes his Mac. When I told people here that I was switching from Macs to PCs I was attacked in a very mean spirited way. I am not going to attack somebody because of what computer they decide to use. It is their free choice.

I probably would have stayed with Macs myself if there had been a reasonably priced Mac desktop between the iMac and the Mac Pro and if there had been better software and hardware compatiblity. Macs are pretty easy to use and I think that Mac OS X is somewhat better looking than Windows, although Windows 7 is pretty good. I would say that lots of things are easier to find on the Mac.

Macs are safer right now than PCs but I do believe that anybody using a Mac should use good passwords, use a standard account for day-to-day operation instead of the administrator account, start up the firewall, and use a good antivirus program. And of course use common sense on the internet.

My public reasons for switching to PCs involve the cost of Macs compared to PCs and software and hardware compatibility. My private reasons, which are more important, I choice not to discuss.

People can use whatever computer operating system that they choice to use.
Yeah, I didn't notice it had been locked. I did notice that my user name in addition to Mori had been mentioned. I don't even know if Mori is still a member here. I have not seen a post by him in quite a while. And I don't know why some people worry so much about me responding to a post.

Well, I responded in a very different way compared to how people treated me when I said I was switching from Mac computers to PCs. I have something to be proud about.
Well, I have no idea if Oilpants is actually Mori with a new username or not. I don't know why he would do something like that. I had my differences with him but the past is the past.

I am not going to speculate on all of this. He may be gone forever-he may still be here but not posting. He may be here with a new username. Only he knows.
Originally Posted By: Mystic
Well, I have no idea if Oilpants is actually Mori with a new username or not. I don't know why he would do something like that. I had my differences with him but the past is the past.

I am not going to speculate on all of this. He may be gone forever-he may still be here but not posting. He may be here with a new username. Only he knows.

D) Nobody really cares.

That would be my choice.

I can't imagine having the spare time to just post in the middle of a work day something on the order of "Hey, I love X, all you consumers of Y are fools." And then get all discombobulated when someone called me out on being a troll.


Sure was locked in short order though....
So much drama, so little time.....

I find computers are computers.Period. Could go with either....
Indeed. That's what made it so amusing...the fact that someone took a few minutes out of their day to create such a post and then take umbrage when someone else got a chuckle out of it. :)
Thank you for your kind words Mystic!!!

Originally Posted By: Mystic
For some reason I can't reply to oilpants who posted that he was really happy with his Mac. So I will reply here.

I am happy that he likes his Mac. When I told people here that I was switching from Macs to PCs I was attacked in a very mean spirited way. I am not going to attack somebody because of what computer they decide to use. It is their free choice.
Just to let you know I have notified BITOG management regarding your acusation. I am telling you this so you cant say I complaned behind youre back!!!

Originally Posted By: ToyotaNSaturn
To me, Oilpants *IS* mori. The mods could monitor that via IP address to verify or dispel this theory.
You, whoever you are, are welcome. Use whatever type of computer you want to use and enjoy yourself. People are free to choose Windows computers, Macs, Linux computers or whatever they want. At least in the country where I live the type of computer you decide to use is not dictated by some governmental agency. As long as that computer works for you don't care what anybody else says.

I think we all are really better off that there is a choice. I personally feel that competition is a good thing. I like Windows right now and I get upset with all of the silly attacks on Microsoft but I don't think I would like for Microsoft to be 100% of the market. And I would not want Apple to be 100%. And I would not want Linux to be 100%.
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