So have had a recurring issue with a set of recessed can lights in my kitchen that just kills LED bulbs, in 4 years I have mowed through 9 bulbs. These are kitchen lights so they don't get a ton of usage, figure maybe 2 hours per day. These are original build fixtures from 2000 so they were most likely meant for incandescent bulbs, when I bought the place all 4 bulbs were different wattages and color temps and it drove me bonkers so I switched all of them out for LED BR20 bulbs that were dimmable and installed a dimmer switch.
The lights are fine when they are new with no flickering. Well after some time they start a very minor flickering which progressively gets worse then they just kick the bucket, I have not really paid attention to how long they are lasting but guessing maybe two years average based on the 9 bulbs I have gone through. Two are flickering again so I know it's time to go get another box of bulbs as failure is imminent. Yeah I am buying the cheapest bulbs at Home Depot but I can't imagine 3 separate boxes being bought years apart to be defective.
Home Depot BR20 LED bulbs
Any ideas? My only thought is something with the dimmer switch is causing these problems but I really like having a dimmer on this circuit as even at 50 W equivalent these things are incredibly bright so its nice for late night kitchen snacks/drinks to be able to tone down the light a little bit.
Thanks in advance!