Quick temporary fix/limp home products - Chime in

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Almost allways beating on fuel tank will get ONE MORE TRIP out of a failing fuel pump. Just make sure it's parked where you plan to change the pump before you shut er down that time!!!


They must be very impressed by your quick thinking. BTW, did you marry her, the lady friend?

Hey, hadn't been back to this thread in a while.

I have no idea if they were impressed or not. Miss Linda long ago crossed the line between "private person" and "secretive," and she's not one to give away much (unless it's about her cats and mine). Mom was just as silent.

I'm not sure marrying her would be a good idea. We've tried living together a couple of times, and it didn't work. Now we're sort of like Jerry and Elaine on "Seinfeld" . . . .
I keep a roll of rubber tape in the car at all times.The kind that feels like it has no glue and needs to be stretched around whatever your trying to tape,then it self vulcanizes into one almost solid mass.Fixes radiator hose in no time that last a good few hundred miles.Water proof,durable and really strong.3M brand at Home Depot plumbing section for about $3
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