So I don't doubt you, but you have any details? Everything Amazon owned is spread around the warehouse. There is no big bin of denso plugs somewhere. There might be the same denso plugs scattered in bins across the entire warehouse. They might be in a bin with oreo cookies and socks, because the algorithm tells them that people order those 3 things together and the entire algorithm is about efficiency of picking parts. So if I order one from a 3rd party, is it picked from the nearest bin irrelevant of ownership, or is it picked from the bin based on its owner. I don't know - but I honestly don't think they co-mingle - for the simple reason that then they would be on the hook to handle the warranty or return for a defective 3rd party part.
Having rambled all that, amazon gets there crap from a wholesaler like everyone else, so I wouldn't be surprised if they get fakes, but I still would like to know in this case from the OP.