potato chips

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You ate vegemite? That's hilarious! Why?

There was a jar of it at the hotel breakfast buffet somewhere in Asia. I just wanted to try me one of these vegemite sandwiches I had heard about.


Buying bread from a man in brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscles
I said, do you speak-a my language?
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich

I figured it was safe enough being as it was made by Kraft.


This was a few years ago. I spit it out after getting a taste and luckily managed not to ingest any of the stuff!
vegemite was an Oz icon until it got bought out...I buy local, mightymite instead.

It's a yeast extract, full of vitamin B, and our muscly Oz kids, even the girls, eat it on teething rusks from a very young age.

Being a yeast extract, and symbiotic to the brewing industry, maybe that explains Oz's penchant for products of the brewing industry.

Actually, that was an old university trick for a night on the turps...have a desert spoon of neat vegemite before retirning, and a litre of water.

This was a few years ago. I spit it out after getting a taste and luckily managed not to ingest any of the stuff!


I've only ever met one person from the US that liked Vegemite, and he was chasing a local girl, (and caught and married her) so read into that what you will.

Our cousins across the Tasman Sea are pretty partial too it as well.
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