Posting Method? ...Blackstone PDF file?

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Mar 1, 2008
Two Harbors, Minnesota
I have my first Blackstone PDF file and want to post...sorry for the ignorance but how do I post?

Thanks...also have a Oil Analyzer UOA...same method to post?

Thanks...Tom R
with blackstone I do like most and capture the image, open it in MS paint, delete any personal info if want to , save that as a jpeg and upload it to photobucket, then copy and paste the IMG code link into the box here.

it can be somewhat confusing at first but once you do it a few times it gets easier
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Or you can select the text from the pdf and format it notepad as a text file and place the contents between the "code" tags.


[ code ] data [/ code ] <--- minus the spaces
Originally Posted By: 97 GTP
Or you can select the text from the pdf and format it notepad as a text file and place the contents between the "code" tags.


[ code ] data [/ code ] div>

I'll have to try this in 3.5k miles, copy past is a pain and my first try nothing ever lines up.
I probably won't post my UOAs because of the knee jerk method required. There must be a simple logical way to do this if some computer person will post it.
I'll try this for my next Blackstone analysis. Is this procedure the same for Dyson results? Does anyone have a simpler method for us somewhat-computer-challenged? My only computer class was Fortran 77.
Originally Posted By: lewdwig
I'll try this for my next Blackstone analysis. Is this procedure the same for Dyson results? Does anyone have a simpler method for us somewhat-computer-challenged? My only computer class was Fortran 77.

Posting a hosted image is not difficult, but may suck in the future. Image or location changes, whammo no results to view here. The original intent of BITOG was not to have images.

Here's a way:

The easiest and best long term way is to simply:

1) Find someone else's properly done (typed in) UOA in the forum.
2) Copy the initial post.
3) Start a new thread.
4) Paste the copied UOA, and then of course don't use their numbers, just type your numbers in place of theirs.
5) Type in the car, engine, oil, filters, how long the oil was in, type of driving, etc

It really won't take much time.
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