Photo thread for tacky car mods

need to get a dash cam to grab stills from...
I keep seeing a "Rally Spec" Purple PT on my daily commute.
Lifted, dirt tires, big brush guard instead of the front bumper...

also, I keep seeing some guy in a Roxor, Painted in a John Deere livery, on the street, he does have a slow moving triangle on the back...and we are in a Rural-ish area...
Apparently pink accessories are a JDM Subaru thing; pink being the color of the cherry blossom flower. I've seen badges, logos and a few other things done up in pink but pink wheels would be a first for me.
STI springs and Sway Bars are pink. or at least they used to be.
Back in another life when I was a car audio installer, we had a guy that liked to bounce between the 3 shops in town. He was nice enough, but his choice of things to put on/in his car were....well... a lot.

It was nice back in the day that all of us that worked at the shops were all pretty good friends, so we'd usually let each other know we'd just worked on Charlie's pile and what we did, so the other guys knew what was probably coming through their door in a week or so.

If memory serves, the only thing I did to the car when I took these pictures was add the CD changer. Of course he didn't buy it from us, I think he got most of his stuff at the flea market.

A few years later, he upgraded to a Vette that was outfitted equally shiny. I was out of the install business, but still hung around with my friends and only got exterior pictures of the Vette.


